Do people really buy Clickbank products??


Apr 9, 2014
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It just seems the products are cheesy and just over-priced information pamphlets. I've never bought any though. I just want to feel confident that a product I try to sell is actually legit and can help someone. Any thoughts?
Most of them are just crap over priced info pamphlets. There are a few hidden gems though that are worth promoting. Just gotta dig deep.
There are a few hidden gems though that are worth promoting.

I wouldn't say "few" or "hidden". Fact is, there are "quite a few" very good information packs out there that offer REAL value and are priced just right. While there is currently no known quality filtering mechanism within the Clickbank approval process, quality does play a part with some of the new and senior CB vendors. You are welcome to check it.

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Bookmarking Demon and other good software has come out of Click Bank. Most of it is crap info products, but there's some good stuff on there as well.
I've bought a few before. Some were crap and some had a lot of good info that I was looking for.
Who cares, they buy it, you profit, and thats what i call winning :D
Some are great and some are terrible. It's all about creating value, some vendors are scumbags that put together a bunch B.S. info then pay for some of the best copywriters to make their sales pages.

The same thing was happening long before the internet, publishers would put out terrible informational books back then that offered little quality or value.
Your concerns are very valid and indeed one can find anything from absolute crap to top-notch products in the clickbank marketplace.

The answer to how to gauge the quality of a product before promoting it is actually very simple though - contact the vendor and ask for a copy.

If they do not respond, either it means that they are not confident in the quality of their products, or they have poor affiliate support. Both reasons to move on to the next vendor.

OP, the best advice for you would be to either buy or get a review copy from the vendor who's product you intend to promote and only then evaluate both the quality of the information and the refund/chargeback rates yourself.

From my short experience with ClickBank people buy them, you make a sale, then they say it is shit and get their money back. The reason why I do not bother with ClickBank.
OP, the best advice for you would be to either buy or get a review copy from the vendor who's product you intend to promote and only then evaluate both the quality of the information and the refund/chargeback rates yourself.

Affiliates should not have to buy products they intend to promote. If a vendor does not agree to provide a review copy to a prospective affiliate, that's proof enough that something is not right.

The winning combination that makes a CB product a goldmine for affiliates is: a high quality product + top notch copy + a vendor that works hand in hand with affiliates.

If any of these is missing, move on.

Welcome to IM.

The product that you produced should be just above average, and you should have marketing skills to get started. Once you hit the affiliate world and offer better than average commissions through CB, you are set to earn money.

CB is full of products that do not worth to be called that. Info products are highly suspicious, a lot of them are just a rehash of what you can find on the internet. (So are WSOs for that matter)

But there are a few CB products that continue to make good business (IM magic + above average quality). A valuable few provide fantastic value - unfortunately they get submerged in all the trash.

My experience has been good with only software products on CB (I am still thanking ClickBank for UNF).
Affiliates should not have to buy products they intend to promote. If a vendor does not agree to provide a review copy to a prospective affiliate, that's proof enough that something is not right.

That would be true if the affiliate at hand DOES intend to promote. There are numerous scenarios where individuals pretend to be affiliates (are your competitors or simply freebie seekers with interest to read your stuff for free) or do not intend to put any efforts into promoting the product to begin with.

I completely agree that when it comes to genuine/serious affiliates (even complete newbies) solid vendors should offer complimentary copies of their works along with a substantiated custom plan of promotion.

Is any one know how to make profit with click bank? any automated way?

Have you done any reading on this forum at all?

Nobody can help you with such a general question.

Do your reading. Pick a method. Then, come back and ask us specific questions - we'll be happy to help, but you need to help yourself too.

If 2 same products are available on CB and cpa network, which one should I go for? Knowing that with clickbank there are no restrictions about traffic(white or black hat) as I am expert in the second one. But the refund sucks. With CPA there are no refunds but with blackhat methods they kick your ass out of the network.
I personally vote for CB but need an expert advice as I can see here.