Do IG ban/flag accounts manually or automated?


Junior Member
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
The reason I am asking the question in the title is because I am trying to figoure out the answer to this:

Basically I only have one account, and I am willing to spend a lot of time to make it grow slowly during a long time. I don't want to risk getting banned. I use my phone to upload one pic a day and I use Mass planner to follow/unfollow and like.

What I am wondering is which one of the approaches below minimizes the risk of getting banned.

1. I try to act more lika a human, by changing what Mass Planner does every day or so, not really following any pattern over a long time. If IG bans accounts manually then this would seem like the smartest alternative?

2. I find some low setting (not aggressive at all) that I see works on Mass Planner and I just keep on doing that for a long time. I am guessing if IG bans accounts through an automated process this might seem smarter? I am thinking if I keep changing the settings there is a higher risk I set some kind of alarm of through one of these new settings that I try every other day?

Please, correct me if I am wrong. This one account is important to me over a long time, and I am not in a hurry to grow it.
They're automated.
Kabeer, I see you recently joined this forum, just like me. Have you been around in the IG marketing world for a while before or you just got into it?

Can anyone confirm that it's automated. Also my main question is, which one of the strategies above would you guys recommend? Please only answer if you have used the strategy yourself for a while and know that it works without getting banned.
Confirm, they're automated.

Decision is made based on numerous channels. Depends on what you know, your IG experience may vary from "botting and never being asked for a PV" to "being asked to PV after a first move".
Obviously flagging of accounts is done automatically. They manually check only when you contact support.
Obviously flagging of accounts is done automatically. They manually check only when you contact support.
I understand. But am I thinking correctly then, that if I keep changing the Mass Planner settings all the time, I am running into a higher risk of settings of some sort of flag? Or is the automated banning so advanced that it still is better to try to change what I do everyday to try to more resemble a human (if that somehow would more resemble a human I seriously don't know, but I have seen that most people here seem to argue that it is so)?

By changing the settings everyday I mean something like:
Monday - Follow and like
Tuesday - Like
Wednesday - Unfollow and like
Thursday - Unfollow and like
Friday - Like
Saturday - Follow and like
Sunday - Like

What I simply want to know is, what works for you guys?
You will not get flagged if you stay under the radar, not if you change behavior all the time.
1. I try to act more lika a human, by changing what Mass Planner does every day or so, not really following any pattern over a long time. If IG bans accounts manually then this would seem like the smartest alternative?

You're not acting like a human by following lots of people everyday. If that's your goal just stop following and start posting more.
You're not acting like a human by following lots of people everyday. If that's your goal just stop following and start posting more.
What was the meaning of even answering with such a reply? I have explained in my original post that I want to gather followers, but slowly over time. So why would I stop following people and start posting more if I want to gather followers? The whole question if which alternative makes me look MORE like a human, so I can gather more followers but still be under the radar. Of course I will look the most like a human by not following at all, that goes without saying, don't you think? But will I reach my goal of growing like that?
What was the meaning of even answering with such a reply? I have explained in my original post that I want to gather followers, but slowly over time. So why would I stop following people and start posting more if I want to gather followers? The whole question if which alternative makes me look MORE like a human, so I can gather more followers but still be under the radar. Of course I will look the most like a human by not following at all, that goes without saying, don't you think? But will I reach my goal of growing like that?
Neither of what you mentioned will make you look at all like a human. There's no such thing as looking "more" like a human. You either look like one or you don't. If you want to stay under the radar, get you a lot of accounts and only follow about 50 people per account.
Neither of what you mentioned will make you look at all like a human. There's no such thing as looking "more" like a human. You either look like one or you don't. If you want to stay under the radar, get you a lot of accounts and only follow about 50 people per account.
I am building a brand, slowly but steadily. How would I use a lot of accounts with few followers each?