Do any MODS or anyone else know if we can put Fiverr Gigs on the DO NOT Share?


Regular Member
Dec 19, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, I have PDF guide that has done pretty well and I am thinking about scaling up to other niches, but I would like to know if we can put Fiverr stuff on DNS?

Rather than PM mods I thought I would post here. Mods move the thread if you think it should go somewhere else more appropriate, and my apologies in advance if so.
If its YOUR product you can request that it be added to the do not share list. We have a standing rule that protects BHW member's products so just PM the info to a moderator and we'll get is straightened out for you.
technically you can, as long as it is not on the dns list. but i have always had this doubt that fiverry is owned by a bhw member :p

edit: sorry didn't read that its your product, of course you can put it anywehre you like as long as its yours
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why not, it's your product, doesn't matter which platform you sell it on
PM the title of your product to me and I will add it to our Do Not Share list.

NOTE: It must be YOUR product though (original). It can't be a PLR or MRR product.

PLR = Private Label Rights
MRR= Master Resell Rights

Thanks for the responses guys. Yeah I don't know why, but I wasn't sure if Fiverr was applicable....

Sending you a PM Wiz. Yup its all mine. :)

*To whoever may be interested.*

For Fiverr I like to write 5-10 page info PDFs on micro micro niches. That's really small. :) Then you can just send the PDF over and over again. And of course your PDF has some affiliate links in it. It has worked well so far for me. I even had someone leave a positive review thanking me for my links. Lol...

*Tip* Pictures add perceived value to the PDFs.

Thanks again guys.