Digg banned all my sites


Regular Member
Sep 19, 2008
Reaction score
I always posted stories for all my websites on Digg but Digg banned my account and all my domains for "spamming". I actually had quality articles and used quality backlinks. Is there an alternative to Digg that will get my pages indexed real fast? I've tried submitting to Mixx, Reditt, and Propeller but they don't get my site indexed for my keywords really quick. And they definitely don't help with my serps like Digg!
Why not just stick to replies not articles themselves...
I link one new site everyday there..no problem...in replies..
Or try these for quick indexing...
furl,reddit,backflip,share on stumble,spotback,mybibsonomy,share on tumblr,wre this,add to socialblogs..
all are ********...takes a few minutes but it works..
digg sucks for doing that. this makes me lol

You should create multiple digg accounts. Then randomly use them to post your sites. That way if one gets banned, you don't mess up the rest.
You should create multiple digg accounts. Then randomly use them to post your sites. That way if one gets banned, you don't mess up the rest.

they'll ban them. i'm sure digg is using phishing software to track some users/computers outside of convential methods.
they'll ban them. i'm sure digg is using phishing software to track some users/computers outside of convential methods.

Possibly. I just know what works for me. I use proxies for everything, different accounts across all the social bookmarking sites I use, and I've not had that problem. I suppose it depends on how aggressive you are. I try to fly below the radar as much as possible.
I think if you keep digging the same site from an account they'll ban it. You need to digg different sites and try to vote on others' diggs.
I had an account banned from Digg, have multiple accounts now. The account that was banned only dugg pages from my site. Now with the new accounts every once in awhile I go around and digg some other sites, add friends, send shouts, and answer shouts, even comment. This seems to be working so far.
Yea, I was just thinking of a way to benefit me rather than the whole "Digg community". I'll be careful in the future. But I have definitely lost a lot by getting all my high pagerank domains banned from Digg and now I'll have to make up for that somehow. I'll be creating new accounts under proxies now.
I had my account banned too, but they didn't ban the sites they just removed the submissions and any links in the SE's disappeared, I created two new accounts submitted the same stuff and had no problems in a few months :$
I feel the same way, I don't really give a $hit about the digg community, its all about MOI ;). But you gotta kiss a little ass in order not to get banned :)

Yea, I was just thinking of a way to benefit me rather than the whole "Digg community". I'll be careful in the future. But I have definitely lost a lot by getting all my high pagerank domains banned from Digg and now I'll have to make up for that somehow. I'll be creating new accounts under proxies now.
I never had my sites banned from digg. actually i create 2-5 accounts daily and add stories, digg others and post 1-2 my own links.

Everything remains under the radar and i keep changing my ips every 2 hours.
thats the way to do it really. act like a real user. then out of the blue slip in a few links or two of your site, make sure it got featured in the history page, grab the RSS and submit like crazy to RSS sites, make it a bookmark in forums. and for the next PR update I got around 3-10 Digg acounts with PR3-5 LOL.....

The Digg "DUH insert shitty words here" error is a result of your IP being filtered, it usually goes away after 48 hours or so
I have had some accounts banned from Digg and other social sites as well in the beginning, but I learned. And now I rarely have a problem. Here's some tips that help me:

1. Have multiple accounts on all social sites (different emails)
2. You must use proxies
3. Use the sites like a real user. Don't just post to get links to your sites. Make posts on other things every once in a while like current events or a hot online video, etc.
4. Bookmark and comment on other people's content.

I also have been testing having multiple themed accounts meaning having each account a similar niches. For example, 1 account will have mostly technology related stuff like video games, ipod, movie downloads etc.

The choice is up to you, and of course there's always room for improvement. But I have found this to work the best for me and increase my conversion rates.
Please help the noob... is digg really that useful? It involves each bookmark to enter a captcha... what is your experience or in other words: do you really have a considerable traffic/pr/whatever boost?
cooooookies-- hope I got all the o's in there--- Digg is very powerful-- I use it to drive 7k visitors per day to random websites and blogs I create-- so far it has resulted in a nice amount of revenue from adsense-- and also 4 sales via amazon!
Please help the noob... is digg really that useful? It involves each bookmark to enter a captcha... what is your experience or in other words: do you really have a considerable traffic/pr/whatever boost?
Unlike "money2spare"...(nice work!!):)I just use it for quicker overall indexing of my sites...
I mostly use it for quick indexing as well, don't have the time to really make Digg work for me in the way of traffic.