desperately needs wordpress themeforest milan theme


Jan 31, 2013
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Hi, I'm a longtime reader, and first time poster.
I would really appreciate if someone could link the themeforest milan beauty theme. I've been trying to do some tests with it, but impossible to put my hand on it.
Thanks in advance
Good thing you signed up today, now you can see much more of the forum.

Link you that theme? Took me two clicks in Google to find it...

Would this be about backlinks?
Sorry for not being more concise. I mean't a link where I can download it. not the themeforest link
I'm actually looking for a download link, not the themeforest link. Thanks though
I'm actually looking for a download link, not the themeforest link. Thanks though

Seems you actually have a problem. I can find links to it but no downloads.

What you could do at this point tho, is take the link that carlikito provided, read this thread and especially the comments.
That way you could rip the page, edit and duplicate the theme.
Not the same as having the code but at least you got a working theme then. :)

Not sure if it is what you want but the best I can do.
Good luck. :)