Desperately need someone get a blogger blog back to my control


Registered Member
Oct 3, 2008
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not sure if this is allowed... i am desperate to regain control of a blog that was stolen from my google account. Yes, I am serious.

The thief is still using the blog and has put adult ads.. on a blog that is not adult. I cannot get google or blogspot to actually reply to any emails or forum posts...wonder if anyone can help?

I will compensate anyone that can help.

Please and thx.
compromised gmail account - which means everything linked through google is effected.
Oh this is easy. Your going to call google to upgrade your email account. Once on the phone you ask who to talk to about your stolen account.

Please think outside of the box.
I tried thinking outside, I went the adsense support route, I even went the coroprate solutions route... :) but I'll try this route :)
thx very much!

Oh this is easy. Your going to call google to upgrade your email account. Once on the phone you ask who to talk to about your stolen account.

Please think outside of the box.
What no thanks? I tell you its getting cheap out there. People won't even give you a free thanks.
hmm. I clicked the thanks button when I first read the reply... :)
but just in case.. thank you :)

it didn't work, because google upgrade is automated through checkout, but it was worth a try :) google hates talking to people directly...
Ok call google and tell them your personal medical information is in there and that its a serious issue.
Ok call google and tell them your personal medical information is in there and that its a serious issue.

So I can call google and claim my account is hacked and I want it back? lol but seriously google isn't going to listen to you. There's nothing really that shows that account was yours and as you said yourself, they just are not going to listen to you.

I'm afraid but I think the only way you can get this back is if the person gave it back to you willingly or if you steal it back.
This is a felony crime it may not seem like it but it is. Let google know you will be filing a police report and talking to local media because your very concerned about the community and then follow through most people don't.

Tell call the company that you are hosting their ad's on google and say I think you will be losing money because my account hosts your ad's and I believe your paying for clickfraud.
How far are you willing to go? Most people do not fight back and google expects this.

Google depends on people like you and me. Without us they have nothing at all. No matter how small if you let the people who are paying for the ad know that google is perhaps shielding this person because of policies?

Make another webpage/banner make an ebook out of it. Don't do business with google and this is why.

Subpoena google for the IP address it as this is interstate wire fraud. Get creative! People will get pissed about anything these days. Find some lawyer whom wants to get themselves on TV.

In the end google will help you out. Your not screaming loud enough!

PM me the site they took from you and your google email.

Remember do no evil.
Let google know you will be filing a police report and talking to local media because your very concerned about the community. The last thing google ever wants is to be on TV.

Remember do no evil.