Custom Craigslist Fast Image Ads 24-48hr Turn Around

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Jan 2, 2009
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MODERATOR NOTE: Per the announcement I made on July 17, 2015,
I am now closing this thread. After the OP has renewed his/her Jr. VIP
membership, he/she may contact a moderator to re-open this thread.

Thank You - "Wiz"

Fast Image Ads Guarantees to set you apart on Craigslist.
The Mission is to: Get You Results.

I have over 30 years of graphic design and online marketing experience.
I WILL create a killer image that you can use over and over again.

Your ad is designed to fit on the page comfortably
The Market you are in does not matter to me.
Everyone is treated equally. First come first served.

The Name:
Fast Image Ads
denotes quick turn around, not shoddy design.
No templates are used.
I strive to create the most outrageously effective craigslist ad/campaign you can buy.

This is a very personal service and your job is never farmed out.
I work until you are satisfied.

The Price is lower than most Craigslist Ad Designers because
testing is the only way you can tell what is really working.
Create and entire campaign for less than many will charge for
1 Ad.

Why Did I Start this Service?

I got sick and tired of seeing outrageous prices and few
Outrageously Effective Ad Design.

Check Out My Gallery.

You will see fresh designs tailored to your market and branding
your site or product.

This is all I do. Design Outrageously Effective Advertising.

Your ad can be hosted (photobucket) if you want it so and I can also make it clickable.
I do not Post or create PVAs

How it Works

You provide me with:
body copy, don't forget the call to action
Image, (if you have any) if not I will take care of it.
Logo, (if you have one.)
Contact info i.e phone # and/or web site domain name.


Affordably priced so you can test several approaches.
24-48hr turn around. depending on my workload.
You can reach me thru YM or Skype username: artguy51
paypal only.
business email address.
[email protected]

Below is an Ad I created for my own service that worked extremely well.

Also a review layout


Staff Review

OP provided a sample as part of the review process.

Quality work with fast turnaround.
Excellent work. Very conscientious and works to get YOU clicks. Tommy gave me his name. A+ work.
I'm glad to see this thread here. I've been telling Guy for a while now that he should offer this service on BHW.

I first worked with Guy over a year ago... back when I was first kinda getting into CL.
I am admittedly the most un-artistic man alive. One of the best parts about Guy's service to me is that he is very creative; give him the ball and he'll run with it. Provide him some general direction and this man will come up with a great AD that really pops.

You can talk to him throughout the process, see drafts, and or go over concepts. I've never been disappointed with any of his work.
The ADs literally paid for themselves in a day.

Lot's of people can make a small AD; however Guy really has a unique ability that makes his AD standout and appeal to the CL user.

Guy's work is second to none IMO and he's a good guy to boot.
If your looking for an effective Image AD to push on CL... this service is for you.
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Thanks Tommy and Toby,
It has been great fun working for both of you.
As Tommy said anyone can create an image ad and put it up on CL
The difference is in my training.
People online talk about AIDA.
Attention, Interest, Desire and Action but,
what they fail to mention is stopping power.
You only have a few seconds to grab their attention so one must know
how to dig into the mind of the prospective reader and snag them immediately.
That is what I do.
Even tho the Headline is the most important thing in an ad, what good is the
best headline in the world if they won't read it.

Stopping Power coupled with the Killer Headline is what does the job.
The ad below resulted in just 2 sales. But at $6,000 He was quite happy.

I had Guy create several versions of an ad for my "offline" business and he did a fantastic job taking a bunch of ideas i typed out in a text file and turning them into eye catching ads with really nice graphics. He is hard to beat price-wise also. My ad is going to be the nicest thing on CL in that category :)
solid and communciative...his work is outstanding and worth twice the hesitation referring him to you...hes a good man
I'm interested... PM me with the details and current turnaround time please...
Hey, this guy is GREAT!! Just got a smokin' hot banner ad!!
Thanks for the nice feedback you guys.
This is a great forum and everyone who ordered an ad
has been amazing to deal with.

I am ready for more.
Staying hungry keeps me sharp.
Thought I would post one of the lastest ads I have had the privilege of creating
for nimbus49
I made an experiment today on an ad I created for a new client.
After designing it I ran it thru an online service that has a heat map
that simulates the human eye tracking with artificial intelligence.
It showed me that I needed to move the logo from the left side to
the right side.
But more than that it also gave me the insight that my design was
doing exactly what I wanted it to do. Move the eye thru the ad
and embed certain visual ques into their brains to enhance the
copy and get a better chance of getting the click.
Below are the results.

Thanks Wallbangers,

Question: When is an ad not an ad?

Answer: When there is no Call To Action!

I would also make an addendum To This: When it blends in and doesn't get seen.

An ad or banner or what ever you want to call it must break from the crowd but, also be apealing to the market one is selling to.
You wouldn't want to market a sexy image to a kids market.
You might get seen but you're not going to get sales.
Recent Image ad for a client in texas.
This is a good example of an offline guy that regularly uses CL
to sell some pretty high ticket items. Like apartments and houses.
CL ads have become part of his advertising mix. And total effort is
generating some great results.

How creative are we. The whole point of an image text ad is to simply
get the click get them to take action and let the sales page take it from there.
Just make sure your text or your image ad is congruent with your sales page.
The key to any ad or sales page is ease of entry.
We don't want to shock their little brains out of the emotional state
we created.

As David Ogily one said, It ain't creative unless it sells.
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I have a little down time and am ready to create your next awesome CL ad campaign.
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