Poeple use it ? Really ?
In my location, almost nobody uses it and I still didn't get any visitor coming from cuil...
What's the share of you UV coming from Cuil ?
I think there is really no point in trying to optimize for cuil search engine since its really a failure.If you look at the stats it was nothing more than a marketing hype since it has been constantly declining from its launch.
I agree with ugorrogu. This SE is just a failure today...
There has been a lot of buzz on it, but actually, nothing satisfying on the output side...
Maybe I go too much used to using Google....
For now, this SE has just NO interest. I hope it'll evolve...
Something tells me this is gonna disappear sometime soon. I get bots & spiders from lots of small and/or new SE's visiting my sites, but haven't seen anything at all from cuil.
The last time I checked I was getting thousands of spider visits from them a day, but I've never seen a hit that I can identify, so I now just return a 403, just a waste of bandwidth and server resources.
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