Cruel kids make a bus monitor cry.*


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2010
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Wish there was a way to make these little degenerates pay for their cruelty.

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wowow.. this is from the town i went to school in.. fucking bastards -_-

its all over my facebook stream too.. hopefully these duechbags get caught for this
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What happens when you dont whipp your kids, they are little douche bags and they grow into bigger douche bags.
Greece is about 30 minutes from my house, if I see them i'll put some sense into them for you.
To be honest these was expected, the way societies going parents cant do anything to their kids anymore, and some parents dont even bother with their kids. You teach them to respect and have morals, if they dont take it on board you slap it into them, its your responsibility as a parent to make them realise. But i guess when we talk about freedom, this is freedom, but this is the harmful side of having freedom, the side everyone turns a blind eye too because they are too busy comparing how free they are to everyone else.
To be honest these was expected, the way societies going parents cant do anything to their kids anymore, and some parents dont even bother with their kids. You teach them to respect and have morals, if they dont take it on board you slap it into them, its your responsibility as a parent to make them realise. But i guess when we talk about freedom, this is freedom, but this is the harmful side of having freedom, the side everyone turns a blind eye too because they are too busy comparing how free they are to everyone else.

Thats not true... parents can't "Beat" their kids lol.... but it is perfectly legal, to smack your kids on the BUTT with an OPEN hand in a disciplinary action. The Gov can't say how you parent, as long as it's not Abusive(excessive). Whooping them till their ass bleeds with a leather belt is excessive.

The problem is, parents are just too fucking LAZY, or just not around to do it!!! ...
Yes i understand what your saying, and i should have covered that in my original post, but yes your right, organisations like the RSPCC are valuable, and parents cant just go around hitting their kids willy nilly, without reason. If thats done then there is no justification for violence, and the kid will ultimately turn to violence without the need to justify it.
But then again the procedures and everything that is in place holds the parent down from doing anything physical after verbal warnings, iv heard it so many times where a parent has gone to discipline their kid, the smallest slap, the kid calls the social and they get involved and by the time you can say help, the kid realises he has made the biggest mistake of his life and is in a foster home getting adopted by people he doesnt even know.
But i agree with your second statement, parents a certain minority of parents say are lazy, are too preoccupied, and are just not ready to be parents.
Must be an ongoing thing....

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Yes i understand what your saying, and i should have covered that in my original post, but yes your right, organisations like the RSPCC are valuable, and parents cant just go around hitting their kids willy nilly, without reason. If thats done then there is no justification for violence, and the kid will ultimately turn to violence without the need to justify it.
But then again the procedures and everything that is in place holds the parent down from doing anything physical after verbal warnings, iv heard it so many times where a parent has gone to discipline their kid, the smallest slap, the kid calls the social and they get involved and by the time you can say help, the kid realises he has made the biggest mistake of his life and is in a foster home getting adopted by people he doesnt even know.
But i agree with your second statement, parents a certain minority of parents say are lazy, are too preoccupied, and are just not ready to be parents.

I can tell you, as a 37 year old Parent of SEVEN (Yes 7 lol) sometimes a smack on the BUTT is the ONLY way they'll understand. I rarely use that type of discipline... but sometimes it is needed. My kids would NEVER act like this... PERIOD.
I'm glad my parents didn't hesitate to slap me. Hard. On my face. Because maybe if they didn't, I might have been same douche...
This is like a real video or what??? I'm totally disgusted
im proud to be amongst so many like minded people, lets go change the world.
I can tell you, as a 37 year old Parent of SEVEN (Yes 7 lol) sometimes a smack on the BUTT is the ONLY way they'll understand. I rarely use that type of discipline... but sometimes it is needed. My kids would NEVER act like this... PERIOD.

I agree. Before being a parent, I used to judge parents who spanked or smacked their kids in public.

I also used to worked in a group home way back when, where they try to do everything with meds and therapy/psycho tricks... long story short... it doesn't work. You get little monsters when you don't parent.

Kids NEED strong discipline in their lives. If not, they'll learn that it's ok to abuse or mistreat people if their parent doesn't step in and draw the line with them. This is where we get the "brats" in our society. As adults, they're the people who don't have any work ethic or discipline.

The problem with parenting today isn't parents. It's the pop-psychology that is being shoved down our throats. We are constantly questioning our parenting abilities because some new study comes out that says whatever we're doing is wrong.

The kids on the bus have bad parents, simple as that. At this point, when these kids are threatening this lady's life... they need the state government to step in and deliver punishments/discipline that their parents are not providing.
Annnnnnd another lol..... seem to sprouting up everywhere....

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Their parents need a healthy dose of butthurt.