Civil suits are possible but not probable as its very expensive track down individuals and serve them, but it has happened. If you spam, however then thats an entire different issue.
*spam meaning sending out mass unsolicited emails.
No, I'm not spamming peoples' email addresses. I'm just advertising affiliate stuff in different cities, etc. Making good money with it...just want to keep my advertising on the "legal" side, albeit against CL ToS. Thanks again.
use anonymous proxies, and don't discriminate, and you should be fine. Like don't post apartment ads and say "nice christian community", or a house saying "Owned by a single white male". But posting multiple ads would only get your ads ripped down after about 12 hours if not sooner, but no feds at your door.
Use a good proxy and they won't even try to sue you. I doubt they try to bring normal marketers to court.
But it's always a possible ending, if you violate their terms they can try to sue you for various stuff. But I never heard they actually did it.
You can land in court because:
a) Someone sues you, he thinks you did any damage to him / wants money from you
b) You violated any laws and got caught
c) first b) then a)
Some people who abused myspace, gmail or hotmail for spamming were sued for multi-million fees and thrown into prison.
Of course these people spammed a lot through these services, spamming is forbidden in most countries.
If you send a few hundred advertisements per day it's unlikely you'll get in bigger troubles.
If you send 10,000 ads per day or more you'r risking your ass
The more you focus on one single company the more likely they will get angry.
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