craig newmark get's owned...

I keep getting a video on sleep patterns. Oh well. I'm sure it was fun to watch. :p
right-click the link and copy the link location, then remove the hidereferer stuff... then you'll get the vid.
They always seem to catch my CL ads. :(

To the people who can't see it, you have to manually copy the link, exclude or else it will just redirect to going to the latest video.
Craigs response leaves me "speechless" just like the interviewers questions did to him. The guy needed to prepare for that interview a little better so he didn't look like such a douche.
I don't get how these girls get owned by their pimps, that's ridiculous.
I don't get how these girls get owned by their pimps, that's ridiculous.

A gun only costs about $200, plus they have a good reason. They would get locked up for 2 years MAX. If that.