CPA offers that accept CL and CL dies


Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
I just thought it was funny that there are some BH companies coming out on here that accept CL traffic and CL just changed everything.

This is just something I was thinking about and thought I would post it in here. That is what the Lounge is for.

It is pretty crazy, think of all the money you could have made with one of these BH CPA offers when you could post 1,000's of ads per day...Ironic.

I would like to say thank you to richuser and cyp for the offers that they are letting me push though.

That was really cool of them to do what they did.

Just sucks that craigslist made all these changes right when they get some cl approved offers.
I totally agree. Talk about bad timing... If these CPA offers were out like a year ago we would be rolling in money.
I signed up for cyp's network excited and all, then I turn on my eapd and all the pvas need verification! LOl

Not so funny tho :(
Well I think you can still make money on cl with these offers for sure. You can also promote them in other ways.

I have been making a killing on the credit report offers for quite some time using different traffic techniques.

Craigslist is just the best free traffic source in the world.

I think that once everything settles down it will all be ok. All you really need to do is get more PVAs and take care of them.

Then find some friends all over the country that have dsl that you can remote access and you could be up and running again in no time.
some other networks may be the same way as THEY can not post on CL and have the traffic as exclusive.

therefore they now NEED your skills to keep getting all the traffic they did have before.

Not saying this is the case with Cyp's network, but what others may resort to.
The one's who (always) come out on top are the networks. However, don't get it twisted. There is a way to remedy the situation with CL...and a few of us have already done it. ;)

CL has always been a dynamic machine. It never stood the same for long. Most quit, the winners persevered. This time is no different. If you think it is, then you are done.
Really, this recent action by CraigsList is not as bad as some of you are making of it. It's not like CraigsList implemented a lifetime anti-spam tactic. All they did was a one-time anti-spam tactic that will not affect the big CL marketers. If you are using CraigsList properly, and marketing offers smartly, your profit margins after all expenses should be 300-400%. Losing 500-1000 PVA's would cost $2,000-$4,000 to replace, but you should have easily been able to post 250-500 posts day with those PVA's. When I was running CL, I was making high $x,xxx from 300 posts a day, so really, CL could have deactivated my PVA's on a daily basis and I still would come out with profitable figures.

What I am trying to say is that it's time for CL marketers to start treating this as a business, just a quick money maker. It is very easy to get a 500%+ profit margin on CraigsList if you put in the effort. If you don't put the effort in and simply copy someone elses campaign, then with 100% profit margin, these CraigsList tactics will hurt you. It's really time for CL marketers to take this revenue source a lot more seriously, and put in the effort.
What's funniest from where I'm sitting is nobody has pointed out the obvious.

It's not a coincidence that people on here are starting their own 'networks' and pushing their own CL-friendly offers.

These are the same people that were promoting stuff themselves on CL, have found they can no longer either a) be bothered with the increased hassle of doing business on CL or b) simply can't turn a profit any more and so are coming on here, hoping to get all the bhw set to do the graft while they take the cash for doing....?

Give me a fucking break.
What's funniest from where I'm sitting is nobody has pointed out the obvious.

It's not a coincidence that people on here are starting their own 'networks' and pushing their own CL-friendly offers.

These are the same people that were promoting stuff themselves on CL, have found they can no longer either a) be bothered with the increased hassle of doing business on CL or b) simply can't turn a profit any more and so are coming on here, hoping to get all the bhw set to do the graft while they take the cash for doing....?

Give me a fucking break.

No, it's just that people like Cyp and myself understand that there is a market for having CraigsList Friendly offers. It's called business. Affiliates are getting banned left and right everyday and losing all their commissions, and well helping them secure their commissions sounds like a business idea. I look at that industry, and I know that people want to feel secure, so I created a business for it, so did Cyp.

I've had my run with CL, and I've done very well ($xxx,xxx), and I stopped. Why? Because really I don't like running blackhat traffic myself, and just needed the quick money for media buys. BUT, to the affiliates in the network, I'm giving them EXACTLY the same material I used to make money, and guess what, they are making money from it.

So fuck, no need going around and making it seem that Cyp or I failed and now decided as a plan B to smack up some offers.

One other thing, you believe it's as simple as just putting up an offer and that is all it takes to run a network? Do you know that by the time my advertiser pays me for my affiliates commissions, I have to float $50,000-$100,000. That's without having the guarantee that I'll personally be getting paid for all the affiliates traffic, considering many run fraud. You're just so far from being right.
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What's funniest from where I'm sitting is nobody has pointed out the obvious.

It's not a coincidence that people on here are starting their own 'networks' and pushing their own CL-friendly offers.

These are the same people that were promoting stuff themselves on CL, have found they can no longer either a) be bothered with the increased hassle of doing business on CL or b) simply can't turn a profit any more and so are coming on here, hoping to get all the bhw set to do the graft while they take the cash for doing....?

Give me a fucking break.

Let me help you understand my position and it surely does sound like RichUser has the same knowledge set as myself... I have pushed thousands on thousands of dollars using Craigslist. It isn't dead bro... It's alive and kicking. You just need to be smarter than the average bear, keep ducking and dodging, and working your way around their spam filters. There is plenty of free traffic still available on Craiglist. :clap2:

It's people like spud--1, RichUser, and myself that have decided to extend the courtesy to fellow BHW members and allow them a safe haven to send their traffic to. :bigok:

Just remember... Think outside the box. It's much better than spending your time whining about other people that have taken initiative to help the community. And as RichUser said... You think it's a piece of cake to create an offer, run a network, distribute payments, implement tracking to thwart fraud, stay on top of it, talk to hundreds of affiliates, etc, so on and so forth? You are obviously misinformed brotha. :crazy:

btw... I can definitely give you a break if you need one. ;]

What's funniest from where I'm sitting is nobody has pointed out the obvious.

It's not a coincidence that people on here are starting their own 'networks' and pushing their own CL-friendly offers.

These are the same people that were promoting stuff themselves on CL, have found they can no longer either a) be bothered with the increased hassle of doing business on CL or b) simply can't turn a profit any more and so are coming on here, hoping to get all the bhw set to do the graft while they take the cash for doing....?

Give me a fucking break.

These networks didnt just 'materialise' becuase of the cl changes, it takes months and months of planning, networking and organisation to put a network and offer together correctly so these have been in the works way before the current cl crackdown and its simply bad luck that this has happened around the same time they are launched.

But like richuser says cl marketing is FAR from over and to imply that this is the 'easy' way out is pretty ridiculous, I know for a fact its still possible to get hundreds of adverts to stick in every state/city only now you get double the reponses/profit, so for those that can adapt there is even more profit to be made than ever.

People want networks like these because there is no need to worry whether you are going to receive your money at the end of the month or have to pay for filler traffic to water down your conversions every day.

I like the new set of changes. Weeds out all the chumps on CL. I think some people don't really take CL seriously and get all excited when they get a few hundred $ a day. Not many guys are in it for the long haul. People need to think outside the box when it comes to cl. Case in point: I always check through CL at least once a week for my niche. See how many ads my competitors are throwing up and I also gather my ad copy. So one guy uses my ad and EVEN my own phone # i have on there. How low can you go.....

If he stole my ad, i'm cool with that, dog eat dog world. But at least don't be so stingy as to not even buy your own number. Maybe the guy who did this will read this post and get a kick outta it?
What's funniest from where I'm sitting is nobody has pointed out the obvious.

It's not a coincidence that people on here are starting their own 'networks' and pushing their own CL-friendly offers.

These are the same people that were promoting stuff themselves on CL, have found they can no longer either a) be bothered with the increased hassle of doing business on CL or b) simply can't turn a profit any more and so are coming on here, hoping to get all the bhw set to do the graft while they take the cash for doing....?

Give me a fucking break.

c) Realize the potential for financial gain and are savvy enough to take advantage of it.

Why would you think there is anything wrong with this?? You're just jealous that you couldn't implement a system such as the ones Cyp, and RU are running. I know I am..
Their networks are just like the e-whore networks everyone uses. They pay less than normal, but they guarantee you that pay with CL traffic, which any other network wont do.

I'd say these guys are doing us a favor...though I'm expecting to see many more of these types of networks pop up now that people have seen the kind of response these things get. Good luck to the three of you guys though!

When I learn more about CL CPA myself, I'll be using one of these networks.

Edit: LOL at the tags.
just noticed those tags too LOL

and the kontera ads

all change round here
I'm retarded banking off CL. God I'm loving it with all the noobs wiped out.
Why do you think CL died? I post on CL like I posted the whole time and my ads stick like always, PVAs don't get banned etc...