CPA Lead - Free Surveys...Errr no!


Regular Member
Aug 11, 2009
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I signed up to ************** recently and configured my widget for my site, selecting the 'easy to complete' free surveys..

I thought I'd do one myself to see what the process is like, and it's f***ing terrible! It's not free at all! You get asked for your credit card number about 5 times, and each time there is a little bit of small print with a monthly charge...and if you refuse the credit card, you don't get access to my site through the CPA widget. What the f***!

Am I missing something here? Should I just restrict it to certain surveys? And if so, any ideas which ones?!

Thanks for your suggestions.
To be honest it's not the first time I have seen this. A Ton of gateway survey sites do this, I have even seen what was supposed to me a simple e-mail submit morph into a 21 page survey with a CC submit and after filling out 6-7 pages of info I still didn't get credit for the e-mail submit.

I ALWAYS test out my offers now, just to see if they will be profitable or even plausible to do. The work has to be worth it.

Test, Test and Test again!

I agree...the work is definitely worth it. I thought these guys were decent that I signed up with, but I guess not..! I'll go through the list of CPA companies now instead.
Yup, getting a fraction of what you would get for an email submit plus dude has to go through like 40 pages only to decide no thanks in the end. Its lame. I think the only ones I ever get credit for are the occasional one where it is a phone number submit at the end of like 10 pages and they bill the phone.
I am really trying the best at this site.I need to know what are best methods to get US and UK traffic for this!!!
Not sure about adscend..
I've tried blocking out certain 'surveys' now to see if it makes a difference, but to be honest they're all so shite it's unbelievable.
If anyone has a good aff to work with, even if it's just small change, I'd be happy to sign up under you!
I'm testing adscend and I'm not sure which ones are the easiest to fill out. I mean you can read the descriptions and it could say 1st page submit, but that doesn't mean much when they're not converting.
Yeah I've also noticed this more recently. What if everyone shared their stats, so we can see which aren't converting. Sure use your own results to pause non converting clicks, but obviously if you spot one that someone else has posted with shit conversion rates, then it would be pretty wise to pause it! Not sure what the best way is to manage this, a shared spreadsheet would be good, where we can dump in all numbers, then it sums it all up. But, we all know that aint gonna happen, so i guess a screenshot will do?
Well, I can safely say that for my leeeed is not going to convert. And I don't blame them for not signing up to this trash!
I'm using ************** on a new site, since the launch day i've been on a regular $30-$40 a day, which isn't that bad i suppose.
does anyone know any cpa site that paying fro register? don't need to convert to sales?
I signed up to ************** recently and configured my widget for my site, selecting the 'easy to complete' free surveys..

I thought I'd do one myself to see what the process is like, and it's f***ing terrible! It's not free at all! You get asked for your credit card number about 5 times, and each time there is a little bit of small print with a monthly charge...and if you refuse the credit card, you don't get access to my site through the CPA widget. What the f***!

Am I missing something here? Should I just restrict it to certain surveys? And if so, any ideas which ones?!

Thanks for your suggestions.

Are you from outside USA/CA/UK?

A lot of the international offers will be paid mobile subscriptions / free trials etc.
Dude, I could not agree with you more. I just took out their codes an hour ago. My traffic and retention rate dropped dramatically after I added ************** and wondered why. I got clicks but no complete surveys, I then started to test the surveys and I could see why. They are trying to force a lot of junk down the user's throat with the catchy survey titles. If these guys are getting paid say $.50 per survey completed and stuffed our users 10 of them before unlocking the page and gives us only $.50 for each, they made off $4.50 or am I missing something here? Don't forget that WE only get pay IF the user made it to the last page, while these bastards already gotten paid from the partial filled from our traffics. Win-win for them and lose-lose for us no matter how you measure this.

After researching a little, I realize that you can make more per survey $1-$2 depends on the network. I'm thinking about using BHCB as the ************** replacement and do something else other than surveys. But all and all, I really think ************** sucks ass.
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Meh to be honest C P A Lead is starting to become a joke now. I put a gateway on a reasonbly new site I had, made about $2 a day. Was a complete joke.

Now I've moved to perfecttracking, absolutley thrashing C P A Lead. My best converting surveys make $8-11 a per conversion. I'm happy :)
CPA Lead is working great for me..
I started my main site about 15 days ago and launched 2 more in very similar niches since, my earnings are up to about $70 a day.

So it seems to be working great for me.
No, I'm from one of those, but also it's where your traffic is from anyway that matters, and mine is about 50% those too.

I'm going to give perfect tracking a go.

Are you from outside USA/CA/UK?

A lot of the international offers will be paid mobile subscriptions / free trials etc.
I will try to enter in C P A lead to see if can work for me and i will try to tell you how i do, i prefer using a Code Breaker insted
Thanks for the perfecttracking suggestion. I will see how they convert vs. Adscendmedia.
Anyone using Perfect Tracking - are there any particular settings or surveys you select? Or do you just let it run..?