Converting traffic from social bookmarking sites?


Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, we all know that SEnuke & BruteForceSEO strategies and software works. We can gain the bulk of the top 10 and top 30 organic rankings, right? Yes, we can. But, what if we turned the social bookmarking posts/rankings into a better conversion page for leads.

Think about it, we get the rankings we want, our website, hubpages, squidoo pages, etc, right? And those all can be optimized so traffic converts at a greater rate because we can add a lot of content, images, links, videos which is directly related to the searcher's search query but the socal bookkeeping sites usually only have a just a sentence or so and a link.

Let's talk about ideas of taking advantage of these social bookmarking rankings and converting that traffic at a higher rate so when the searcher searches for a particular term and click on the authority site that we have borrowed to get the do we convert that traffic at a higher rate like a website, squidoo, wordpress, hugpages would. Of course, the Google juice helps our money sites from these social bookmarking authority sites but what if we had people come to that authority sites that we are borrowing and we actually convert a higher amount of that traffic.

Our rankings will obvious increase greatly using SEnuke and BruteForceSEO strategies and software but what if we converted more of the visitors at "ALL" our rankings...just think of the possibilities.

Ok, so the question is how do you think we can write better content that converts at a much higher rate for the social bookmarking sites??
