Convert Blizzard's WOW Expansion Launch Crowd to Money


Regular Member
Sep 19, 2007
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Tomorrow night is Blizzard's ( midnight launch party happening NY, SF, LA, and Austin. This is a highly targeted group of hundreds of people. We all know that they will be getting or trying to get a copy of the new World of Warcraft Expansion. Check out the epic trailer :

Looking for ideas on how to convert this crowd. I was thinking of possibly making fliers that say "Visit for your exclusive BLizz Launch Ticket number to get the Mammoth mount and other Exclusive Launch party items." It would look pretty legit if I had someone doing handing out fliers wearing a Blizzard shirt lol.

Another Idea would be to simply make signs that ppl will stare at while they are in line for hours. With an easy to remember domain name offering something they will want to get after they get the game.

The idea is to get these zealous fans to visit your site wanting exclusive in-game items that only THEY will have because they were at the launch event.

Anyway does anyone have ideas? Sometimes I come up with ideas that sound genious in my head lol but in reality are shit.. Only 1 night and 1 day left to do anything but I'm thinking a buzz filled night like this will be an easy couple hundred if done right. (like election night for me)
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Anyone going to buy it and start new characters with the new class?
yeah and these guys are nerds.. so they will be hard to sell to
cough wow gold cough .

I wonder if you could ewhore inside the game? Don't have bots mining for gold in the game , have bots to ewhore all the DnD geeks.
Cant really see anything you can do for wow members. cant offer ingame items since its against Tos of Bliz
2. You can offer wow cards for them but you must give them for real...

BHW stands for Black Hat World. That looked like a post I would see over at warrior forum.

I like the idea of having someone handing out flyers in a blizzard shirt. Would have to be someone pretty bold though. You could create a HUGE market buzz. But it would have to be done VERY well. Not something I would want to take on, pretty risky. But interesting idea none the less.
well i remember playing wow and thinking id do anything to get my hands on some bilzcon coupon codes that u can turn in for items that NO ONE in the game has; like turtle mounts! and little monkey pets! and murlock pets. I was thinking of doing a simple "submit email to get your code"

the whole idea of using the launch is just taking advantage of a targeted niche group all in one place. if done right you could convert a shitload of them
do people still make money off wow by selling gold and characters? or is that just pointless cuz blizzard most of tried to stop that right?

Never played wow, dont really know what im talking about!

Just know if i could make money off playing a video game that is shown to be so addicting to fuck peoples lives up, I would be so down..
You can't make much money off of it unless you have very good tactics. It's very saturated in the gold market. If you are selling characters then it's even worse..
direct fliers would work cuz they would be incredibly new especially if they were all blizzed out and looking cool. they could even save them as souvineers. it would all have to look legit as possible. its the same idea as when ppl leave, clubs, concerts, raves or other events and ppl hand u those fliers that u just throw away, but some ppl know how to flier the right way like making them all different and u gotta collect each one. (one is folded in half to look like a knife, one is a shield, one is a sword ahah) i'm getting ahead of myself..
Nice idea :) i was thinking making incentivized website for wotlk but i think need to forget that for not :)

you can say its hard to sell for nerd but before last summer when i thought about IM i had no fking idea what was adsense or cpa or anything like that.

So the will buy if you can make something unique :)

and i think there is not yet leveling guide 70-80 yet?

as for game , when i reach my +100$ day wich would be easy to maintain ill start gaming :) thats all i need

maybe some people want to part and travel world but i like to have fun.
o yea this isnt over saturated really at all the only problem is that why would they buy the ebooks when they can dl it on piratebay or torrent site for free.

i'm already working on some crap that will target the WoW returning for the expansion. it would be the same method im using to get some good $ perday with fable 2.

i would share my method but its the first one ive been super successful with so i gotta wait till later