Contrary to the white hat social signals circlejerk - Google set to dismantle failed G+

it's bout time. I though they was gonna keep pushing it
And once they were planning to even charge for Google+ Vanity URL.

Lol, i predicted this back in 2012 but i didn't knew back then they were going to drop it so fast. This move made by google tells you how much they really appreciate social signals and authorship and all that crap (for ranking).
I wonder what hair brained scheme Google will try next?
I gotta give google a little respect for spending ANY money on their projects. They try so many things and w/e sticks they go with. Without this kinda of risk many web related things would be horrible and expensive. By G expanding and innovating it provides new ways and techniques for US to capitalize on and maybe also use yourself. I for one do not like G+ but I have made some good $$ and contacts through it.

I'm excited for the next HIT or MISS.
Thank God!

Who the hell ever used Google+ anyway ?! LOL right besides SEO's and gurus trying to sell courses on how to market there! It was useless for business. It had a nightmarish UI that was always changing so you never knew what was what... way to many setting/pages/options, so that "ordinary" users were quickly disenchanted and went right back to Facebook!

Well, they have more money than they know what to do with..... How about actually developing a search engine that works on finding and analizing quality useful content and not fear-mongering businesses and ordinary website owners with snitching, link penalties, and so forth you clowns!
I gotta give google a little respect for spending ANY money on their projects.

To be fair, they have so much of it that wasting $10bln on a failed project wouldn't even make a dent LOL
I hate to break to you but google+ ranked me for everything that I throw into it. So unfortunate for me that they're closing but moving on to another phase.

Thank God!

Who the hell ever used Google+ anyway ?! LOL right besides SEO's and gurus trying to sell courses on how to market there! It was useless for business. It had a nightmarish UI that was always changing so you never knew what was what... way to many setting/pages/options, so that "ordinary" users were quickly disenchanted and went right back to Facebook!

Well, they have more money than they know what to do with..... How about actually developing a search engine that works on finding and analizing quality useful content and not fear-mongering businesses and ordinary website owners with snitching, link penalties, and so forth you clowns!
I hate to break to you but google+ ranked me for everything that I throw into it. So unfortunate for me that they're closing but moving on to another phase.

I wasn't saying anything at all about the ranking potential of sending google+ signals at a property. That's been fairly well demonstrated... I was stating the pretty obvious fact that as a social media platform Google+ is a total joke that nobody in their right minds spends time hanging out on, and its probably about time that google decided that this was a bust..... Two completely separate discussions here.

I think it's a poorly designed and run service, but if you read that article it's all speculation because the leader/creator is leaving. There isn't much evidence/fact they're stopping G+.
I think it's a poorly designed and run service, but if you read that article it's all speculation because the leader/creator is leaving. There isn't much evidence/fact they're stopping G+.

Its more likely to happen than not. G+ failure is obvious even for bystander, people dont ignore it - people actively hate it after the Youtube incident.
I think it's a poorly designed and run service, but if you read that article it's all speculation because the leader/creator is leaving. There isn't much evidence/fact they're stopping G+.

If you read the article Google is moving almost their entire G+ team to Android development and deintegrating it from almost all of their services.

I hate to break to you but google+ ranked me for everything that I throw into it. So unfortunate for me that they're closing but moving on to another phase.

Authorship seems to have at least a little bit of influence on ranking, but that's a very very little bit. If you have objective side by side comparisons showing G+ solely ranking a highly competitive term I'd love to see it, I never even see people trying to rank via social signals for anything that pays any money.
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Ohh I agree, they are one of the few companies that treats that amount as a drop in the bucket and can afford to gamble it on free use projects. Most other companies wouldn't have touched half the stuff Google tries out. Everyone must remember that google can write off bad debt and failed projects not to mention their tax haven in Ireland.. So they have the brains and cash.... I can't wait to see what's coming. I truly enjoy google and what they have allowed me to do as my first online dollar was made through Adsense and never have I been screwed by them once. I do also think that SEARCH will be changed as G data mines it's own sub searches to provide instant results. So as an internet marketer we must use new techniques to get our own products out in front. Adapt and move forward is my own policy in regards to google.

To be fair, they have so much of it that wasting $10bln on a failed project wouldn't even make a dent LOL
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If you read the article Google is moving almost their entire G+ team to Android development and deintegrating it from almost all of their services.

Authorship seems to have at least a little bit of influence on ranking, but that's a very very little bit. If you have objective side by side comparisons showing G+ solely ranking a highly competitive term I'd love to see it, I never even see people trying to rank via social signals for anything that pays any money.

Actually I noticed that too, I added authorship to one of my sites and several KWs jumped from n/a to 40-80s the next day.

WB Expertpeon
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