Content lockers money making


Regular Member
Apr 18, 2009
Reaction score
I have some traffic that I would like to try something new with.

I'm thinking somekind of content locker where the surfer needs to complete something REALLY EASY to be able to continue to the destination.

For this REALLY EASY task I get some small $$$ When I mean easy I mean things that is quickly to do like entering an email, solving a captcha, vote for something etc. etc.

Both Adult and Mainstream traffic.

Anyone have any ideas? I would be happy to signup through your link.
I can help you, contact me via skype in my profile page.
Let's talk more about it. What is your traffic geo?
If you have mobile traffic, than installing an app from the offerwall is quite easy task for your users. Try WhiteMobi offerwall with your mainstream traffic