content locker


Elite Member
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
after reading here some stuff i like to try something with a content locker.

where can i get one.
is it difficult to ad that.

i only have html pages wordpress

thanks for info
ya go with content lock pro, its a little gem of a product i've just been messing around with it the last few days..... tbh its blown me away as to how much this thing allows you to do and control!
The best one by far is content lock pro 2. It costs $97 but it's definitely worth the price.
If you're buying Content Lock Pro (which you should, it is by far the best content locker around) I can give you a $10 discount on top of their current discount - just pm me. :)
It's great to have a good content locker like that one from BHW; but you can simply use an iFrame (HTML code) and add a CPA offer to it
since i am only testing i would like to try a free one first .....

any free sharing out there?