▶️Content Bank V2.0▶️ ✅Article Writing Service Handwritten Highly Unique $0.4/100 words✅

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Thread Approved

For the review, @keywordspot provided 2 articles on the same subject. One from the lower level and one from the higher level of his service.

Service Highlights
  • The higher level article was actually well researched and well written.
  • The content was delivered in a timely manner.
  • The higher level article had <h> tags in there as well to help make it SEO friendly to a certain extent.
What Could Use Improvement

The lower level article is not something you want to use for a money site or a site that you expect anyone to read as much as it is good for filler for a tiered linking process. Poorly written, bad grammar and some of it made no sense but it is quite inexpensive and fine for tiered linking.

Additional Information

The OP had a previous service and it expired so this is a re-review.
Last edited:
Thanks for the approve!
Approved - a more complete review to follow once thread goes live.
Waiting for your full feedback review. Thanks!


Review Copies for Next 20 Members:
We will provide 2 Articles (500 Words) from our Content Bank V2.0 to review the quality.
Check the features above mentioned thread. You can get from FREELANCER Package (Starter Package).

Please note these points:
  • We look forward to the detailed review, please stay away if you are a one-liner or short reviewer
  • We expecting your review within 48 hrs of articles delivered (or service launched).
Please share your keyword details on here: https://inboudvisibility.wufoo.com/forms/z14ah69a0l2ca07/ Then, share your status on here.

Is there any other questions. Please reply back to me.
Waiting for your reply,
Skype: ramananmarshall

I received 2 x freelance content articles for review, details below.

Article 1
  • 519 words
  • Grammarley score = 67
  • Headings = Yes
  • Bullets = Yes

Article 2
  • 511 words
  • Grammarley score = 86
  • Headings = Yes
  • Bullets = No

As BassTrackerBoats said, you would not want to use these articles on your money site or T1's but they are perfect for T2. If you are looking for some cheap content for filler pages that will not be read, $2 for 500 words is very good.
I recieved a review copy from OP. The 2 articles i recieved were both over 500 words as promised. The spelling was sometimes a little off, but it is definetely understandable. I would rate both of the articles an 8 out of 10 - If you wanna use these articles for your main website then i would suggest you go over them and correct the spelling mistakes. I will do that, so i can use them for my money site. He did nail the topic, so that was a huge plus in my opinion!

OP, thanks for the letting me review your service. I will get back to you when i need more of your articles.
I received 2 articles from OP as a review.

Both articles passed copyscape and had decent h1 and h2. Keywords were sparingly used throughout the article. There were a few grammar errors and spelling errors in the review copy, but nothing too major to be concerned about.

The article taught me a few things in my own niche, which shows research was done to deliver the working copy.

I've worked with @keywordspot before and I'm glad to see him back in action.
Received a review copy of one article x 1000 words of freelance quality.

Appropriate headers and keywords spread throughout article. Light research performed. Great for filler content or lower tier site, otherwise may want to use the quality content feature. One minor spelling mistake, a couple of grammar errors nothing big. Content was still readable and flowed well.
I got a review copy with the Freelancer Standard quality package (the lower priced one).

As BassTrackerBoats noted above, the articles were not written by a native speaker and it shows. The content however was unique and relevant to my keywords.

The pricing is competitive, so I would use such articles for link building efforts (buffer sites/PBNs). I haven't tried the $4 option, but it seems to be of higher quality and you may want to give it a shot considering the price.
I received a review copy on 2 articles. The content is decent, not perfect, but certainly good for the price. Very easy to fix up and make "perfect" for your money sites, and still will work well as web 2.0 content as is. I'll probably be coming back for more.

Received a review of 1000 words great service, Freelance content can be used for money site also but its best to go for Quality content.
Recommended service Also I have been using Keyword Spot service before also and he does deliver the best quality.

Thanks for the review.

I've got a free review and I must say the quality is good and worth the price, but you get what you are paying for! I would recommend buying the High Quality option.

Check above mentioned thread post.
Interested in review copy

Thanks for your order. Confirmed.
Ordered 5k words. Trans ID: 22534Y

Thanks for your feedback review.

I received 2 x freelance content articles for review, details below.

Article 1
  • 519 words
  • Grammarley score = 67
  • Headings = Yes
  • Bullets = Yes

Article 2
  • 511 words
  • Grammarley score = 86
  • Headings = Yes
  • Bullets = No

As BassTrackerBoats said, you would not want to use these articles on your money site or T1's but they are perfect for T2. If you are looking for some cheap content for filler pages that will not be read, $2 for 500 words is very good.

Thanks for the feedback review.
I recieved a review copy from OP. The 2 articles i recieved were both over 500 words as promised. The spelling was sometimes a little off, but it is definetely understandable. I would rate both of the articles an 8 out of 10 - If you wanna use these articles for your main website then i would suggest you go over them and correct the spelling mistakes. I will do that, so i can use them for my money site. He did nail the topic, so that was a huge plus in my opinion!

OP, thanks for the letting me review your service. I will get back to you when i need more of your articles.

I received 2 articles from OP as a review.

Both articles passed copyscape and had decent h1 and h2. Keywords were sparingly used throughout the article. There were a few grammar errors and spelling errors in the review copy, but nothing too major to be concerned about.

The article taught me a few things in my own niche, which shows research was done to deliver the working copy.

I've worked with @keywordspot before and I'm glad to see him back in action.

Check above mentioned thread post.
I am interested in a review.

Thanks for the positive review.
Received a review copy of one article x 1000 words of freelance quality.

Appropriate headers and keywords spread throughout article. Light research performed. Great for filler content or lower tier site, otherwise may want to use the quality content feature. One minor spelling mistake, a couple of grammar errors nothing big. Content was still readable and flowed well.

Please check above mentioned thread post.
I am interested in a review.

Count me in for a review copy.

Thanks for the positive review.
I got a review copy with the Freelancer Standard quality package (the lower priced one).

As BassTrackerBoats noted above, the articles were not written by a native speaker and it shows. The content however was unique and relevant to my keywords.

The pricing is competitive, so I would use such articles for link building efforts (buffer sites/PBNs). I haven't tried the $4 option, but it seems to be of higher quality and you may want to give it a shot considering the price.

I received a review copy on 2 articles. The content is decent, not perfect, but certainly good for the price. Very easy to fix up and make "perfect" for your money sites, and still will work well as web 2.0 content as is. I'll probably be coming back for more.


Received a review of 1000 words great service, Freelance content can be used for money site also but its best to go for Quality content.
Recommended service Also I have been using Keyword Spot service before also and he does deliver the best quality.

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