contemplating on purchasing BMD or AMR


Power Member
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
I am contemplating on whether to buy book marking demon or article marketing robot. I finally feel comfortable enough with scrapebox and I need to expand my IM tools.

from my understanding, BMD is used to aquire a lot of social bookmarks and AMR is used to create articles and submit them to article directories.

the tool i choose would be to help me with my seo . I believe that I should have both tools for seo but since I have a small budget , I wanna get the one that has a better advantage seo-wise.

Which one do you think i should get in order to rank my websites? Is there any BHW discounts?
From what I hear, BOTH are very effective tools, although after the latest Panda update, BMD doesn't pack the punch it used to, and you'll have to scrape your own article directories for AMR, because the ones provided aren'tgoing to stick so well.
I'd go with AMR to start with...

Content links are more important than bookmarks, especially after the Panda updates.

Check out this thread for info on AMR:

Good luck!
Thnx for the replies. Others have said that bmd is better than amr. This would prolly end up in a coin flip. So just to confirm, after panda, articles with anchor txt to money site would rank better than social bookmarks?
My vote would be AMR as well. As i heard bmr it has small difficulties ie not returning the posted urls, which you could SB or XR for more power.
Get both, buy one and do fiverr gigs on the side till you have enough to get the other.