Confused. Where to start?


Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
I am overwhelmed with the information here in this forum.
Anyone please guide me where to start?

Kishore PB
Are you serious?

You start by picking a method and doing it.

Stop reading and start doing...
First and foremost, welcome! Youve taken quite a step to start earning some real money!

Im really not trying to be rude but your not going to get anywhere on this forum like that. Obviously you have been reading and thats great. Now pick something that seems like its within your skill level and something you might have fun doing. Then use the search funcion to narrow down all the information on the method you picked. Take Craigslist posting for example. IF you want to start with something like that, just go to the search and put in craigslist. Also check out the craigslist section. That way it becomes a little less overwhelming.

Paymymortgage said it best though. You will love this forum and you will probably thank many people. But he has already given you the best advice that anyone will be able to on this forum. More DO and less read.

Good luck my friend I hope this helped!
I call that information overload. Yeah, you will easily find yourself sitting in front of your computer, reading and reading every thread, downloading ebooks and software but not making money.

you need to stop doing that. Find 1 to 2 money making ideas and implement it. If you find out that it's not for you then time to try the next.
Kindy gutsy of you to actually post this. good job. Pick a method that you seem to understand and seems like it will be easy for you to implement. Then, stop reading & downloading stuff and start using that method. Once it starts working for you, start trying to switch it up; see how that same method can be used to branch out to other areas.

Once you've accomplished that and you feel comfortable with it and have a system worked out pick another method to try. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Yes there is a lot of information and sometimes it seems your head will explode. I'm still pretty new to this too and I'm still learning tons every day I can.

If you are a good reader and retain information, then read all you can. Eventually, even though everything seems different, you will start seeing the common threads in all the methods. Those are the fundamentals and help you gain perspective.

If you aren't a great reader (many people aren't these days) then I agree that you should find one method and work it until you absolutely 100% understand it and are successful with it. Then pick up another method and do it all over again. In this way you also learn the common threads... it just takes a bit longer. The good news with this method though is that you start making money instantly instead of 2 or 3 months down the road like the readers.

I tend to choose a Moderator or a Jr. VIP and then read through all of their threads. It helps to see how certain people think and approach tasks.
its all about testing testing testing. Do one thing and while it takes its time to show results. do second. so you will have tested all the major things you know of within 2-3 months.

By the end you will find which ones work and which don't.

Now don't do more than one at a time. And do keep checking for results.