Closing a LinkedIn account | email address used to sign up has been deleted


Regular Member
Jun 1, 2017
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One of my close relative created her LinkedIn profile in 2017 or 16.

Due to some personal problems, she want to delete her LinkedIn account as it is publicly visible - also visible on Google Image search with her name locally here. She only has less than 50 connections and has never been used since.

Since she is helpless, I am trying to help her by contacting LinkedIn and submitting proof of her however I am helpless too as I am not able to connect with LinkedIn support lol.

The best I can see is: after which it is a dead end. No way of chatting with them and no way of raising a ticket.

How am I supposed to contact them?

I do have a Sales Navigator account though but all the question it is asking to raise a ticket is for Sales Nav account which is completely irrelevant.

Please help...
that sounds so complicated to fix tho. i think the only way to delete your linkedin is you need to revive your email
that sounds so complicated to fix tho. i think the only way to delete your linkedin is you need to revive your email
Well, she has forgotten what email address was used so she can possibly "recreate it".

Any way to contact LinkedIn?
Is she able to log in to the account? I assume not, since you'd probably close it already. But if she can, you just go to Settings > Account management
> Close account.
Is she able to log in to the account? I assume not, since you'd probably close it already. But if she can, you just go to Settings > Account management
> Close account.

Here is the thing:

She created the LN account 4-5 years ago.

Forgot the login password.

Also the email ID used to sign up to create linkedin account (Gmail) was deleted too.

The email ID that was used to create that linkedin account was new and she cannot remember the email so that a new email can be created with same characters...that is not possible too.

I believe only way is to reach out to LinkedIn.

Can you hel
Ouch. I know the feeling, can't close or revive my old shitbook account for the same reason. I ended up creating new account and old one still exists without me having any access, so can't help you with that.
@SilverClouds @helloworldy @kucluk I found out how to raise a ticket on LinkedIn free user
On the field, type any query

Scroll down there is an option to create a ticket.
