Clever IM Newbie Needs A Little Assistance Please... I Said Please... lol


Nov 10, 2008
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Right, no BS ill just cut straight to the point, im not trying to sell you anything afterall lol

Im an IM newbie. So far to this date i have made a grand total of $0 online.

However, i do know what to do to make money. I have read all the gazzilions of ebooks, "paid content" (which i didnt pay for) and all the methods and what not.

I am currently working on my own product which WILL bring cash into my pockets. The idea is based on a huge market, there is a massive problem being solved by me in a really good way. Right now im working on the main product which will be a book - i was thinking of selling the book as a WSO, then using the profits to fund the websites and advertising and what not. I will make an upsell package after ive finished the original product which i will sell for alot more and it will sell.

But then heres the problem. I am 100% broke. Not a penny to my name. I cant be assed with e-whoring chatting up a bunch of pervy blokes who keep calling me a 'cam girl' and putting up pictures of their cocks as display pictures. I cant be assed to write a million articles, i will only write articles to promote and sell my own products of affiliate products, not for a dollar per article.

So i need a way to make some cash for my product launch, i need money for a domain name and web hosting and other stuff. Im not going to launch the product yet - i still have to finish the product and the upsell and make all the websites and what not.

However i need a little bit of cash now aswell, my income is Zero.

So im asking you... how would you surguest i go about making money, not some stupid way please even if it does work (no e-ewhoring on msn messenger, no writing 30 articles per day)

Thanks in advance,

I know a man who makes over $200,000 a year by siphoning out septic tanks. He literally has the shittiest job in the world, but does very very well because he's willing to wade in shit every day.

He does it because he has no other real options. He dropped out of school in the 3rd grade and found the first job he could in his rural community. He worked for nearly 25 years to build up the clientele that he has now. He could hire someone else I guess, except he isn't the brightest bulb in the drawer and would probably get taken advantage of.

On the other hand, he'll retire at 40, sell the route and never have to touch shit again as long as he lives.

So even without options, he will win in the end because he was willing to do what it took in the beginning.

You refuse to do what works. You can't be "assed" to do the grunt work. Why would ANYONE here who has done the shit work help you if you're too precious and special to be bothered with taking the time, putting in the effort, failing, getting your hands dirty then innovating on your own?

I believe you've cut your own throat with your attitude, mate.

i completely dissagree with you mate.

i am putting in the hard work. 4 hours in the morning is spent on the creation of my product. Then i have a little break to do some net surfing, eat and drink. then i study skills which i want to build for a good 2-3 hours. then i plan what i need to do the next day.

Im very willing to put in all the hard work under the son. However i do not want to do e-whoring or writing articles for a few dollars a pop.

Meaning there is only TWO things im saying i do not want to do.

Nice story about the cleaning out tanks, i swear i heard that same story in a few places lol ebook introductions, "inspriational" live speaches on business etc.

I understand your point very clearly, maybe you didnt understand mine.

Maybe my idea of selling my product as a WSO - the Special Offer being an Advanced Copy and a discount price is good enough to make me some cash for the product launch? I will do that anyway no doubt.

Could anyone else be a little more helpful please.

And i really do understand what you are saying... like i said its not that i am not willing, its that i am not willing to do those two methods. Thats all, got any other methods or ideas shoot em at me and ill work hard on it.

So, what he is asking is this........

"Take me by the hand and show me EXACTLY what you are doing to make the money that you make (as long as I do not have to do any REAL work for it). So, everybody post their methods here, and I will take my pick as the easiest and go about my day."

This place feels more and more like DP everyday.
oh yea I know... it feels like your being double penetrated more and more every day. Get over it, DP isn't a bad forum. It's the individual's fault, not the whole team.

nothings bad or good, its all our perception and how we use it.

uk-genius, i would love to be an affiliate of yours when its launched.

You need to decide how much you want to spend on hosting, host gator and dreamhost are the best i think. And how much you want to spend on the domain etc... once you have decided, join a cpa network or something, do some bum marketing for it, you can make $100+ a month doing this easily, also there are HEAPS of methods here that u can use. Theres one ebook here that can make you those funds quickly as by posting really good yahoo answers. Just do it man.
uk-genius, i would say looking at some facebook business network sometime before the 1st next year could bring you in the simple startup cash you looking for


You know this is simple... I mean REALLY simple I don't see why people don't get this:

$$$ = Targeted traffic + Targeted product.

If you've read ANY im book under the sun, you'll know that targeted traffic doesn't happen overnight.

Unless you wanna go the blackhat way in which case I'm not going to spoonfeed you the 100+ ways you can get by simply browsing the foru..

Otherwise go the simple route and make a hubpage/squidoo (prefrably hub because you get google adsense). My mate bhcar (sp?) is already making 100-300/day I think it took him at least a month or two to reach that kind of traffic.

Think outside the box. Making money online isn't hard.

Or reverse engineer what some1 else is doing.
Nice story about the cleaning out tanks, i swear i heard that same story in a few places lol ebook introductions, "inspriational" live speaches on business etc.

His name is Herman Gutierrez. He cleans out the septic system at my mother's farm, which is how I met him.

Good luck with your WSO.
I know a man who makes over $200,000 a year by siphoning out septic tanks. He literally has the shittiest job in the world, but does very very well because he's willing to wade in shit every day.

He does it because he has no other real options. He dropped out of school in the 3rd grade and found the first job he could in his rural community. He worked for nearly 25 years to build up the clientele that he has now. He could hire someone else I guess, except he isn't the brightest bulb in the drawer and would probably get taken advantage of.

On the other hand, he'll retire at 40, sell the route and never have to touch shit again as long as he lives.

So even without options, he will win in the end because he was willing to do what it took in the beginning.

You refuse to do what works. You can't be "assed" to do the grunt work. Why would ANYONE here who has done the shit work help you if you're too precious and special to be bothered with taking the time, putting in the effort, failing, getting your hands dirty then innovating on your own?

I believe you've cut your own throat with your attitude, mate.


These are excellent words.

uk-genius, I believe in everything you say but I do not think that this place suits you. Your talent will be better spend with people like john chow.
uk- genius -

all you need is $20 to launch WSO. You seem confident that your product is good, so why not do that? You should have at least $20.

If not, sell a couple discounted copies at DP, then launch a WSO.

You said you spend all those hours working on your product..why not take 1-2 of those hours and work on affiliate campaigns?

Another suggestion, list your product at PayDotCom. Sign up for free and you get 1 free product listing. All you need to is get affiliates to promote it and your making $$. This shouldn't be a problem since your product "WILL make you cash".
I have to admit, this forum is amazing, but if you're not willing to try out the dirty stuff, you'll never make any money....We all have to try/rinse/repeat, depending on what works and what doesn't... So i'd say, if you don't have any money, buy a ball, cut it just right, make a little profit, and use that toward your *expedition*...

Unemployment rate is at 10% in Michigan... That's an easy route...??...
Why can't you bum market? It doesn't cost any money at all to write articles and submit them to ezine. You seem like you can write well enough, so put your effort into that vs. writing threads.

Why can't you sell the ebook as a wso like you were saying to get some reinvestment capital?

You say "i do know what to do to make money. I have read all the gazzilions of ebooks, "paid content" (which i didnt pay for) and all the methods and what not."

Then go out and do it, the 2 methods I just mentioned can earn a person a good living if they actually do them. It's insulting to all the other people on here that do work hard to read things like this.

If you've read ANY im book under the sun, you'll know that targeted traffic doesn't happen overnight.

I assume you are referencing seo, because targeted traffic by paid search can be had in less than 5 minutes.
i completely dissagree with you mate.


Im very willing to put in all the hard work under the son. However i do not want to do e-whoring or writing articles for a few dollars a pop.

Meaning there is only TWO things im saying i do not want to do.

LOL. You contradict yourself....In one line you say you are VERY WILLING to put in ALL THE HARD WORK under the 'sun'........and then in the very next line you say: I do not want to do xyz..........

Did you know 'all' is an inclusive term?

How can you disagree when the exact point the mate was trying to make was that you should be willing to do WHATEVER it takes to get what you want. Obviously you haven't found money making methods with your other avenues so perhaps you need to 'get in the shit' so to speak and do the grunt jobs. Build up your account, and then do some flipping-- buy articles at cheap rates and sell them for higher rates. Rinse and repeat.

Whisker gave you some good ideas too. You say yourself that you can only write for your own promotional products....well pretend your affiliate products are yours and have at it. Mate, just because you have a full schedule currently does not mean that it cannot be altered. You can take the 'hours' that you use to learn and surf the net to actually do something that will earn you some money. Take one less hour to learn and one less hour to surf and you have 2 dedicated hours to make money. If you can't make money in those hours, I don't know if I would really want to buy a product from you when it is actually completed.....

eta: hosting is only a penny for the first month at hostgator if you search for such coupon code and you can get a domain for like $8 at godaddy [not sure if the 1.99 deal is still working] you are saying you cannot spare $9 to get your site up?

If you were THIS ass broke, you should be willing to do WHATEVER it takes to earn a buck. Including the jobs that you hate to do.
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you can allways go pick up bottles at first, i bet you can make 10$ day with that if you willing to work hard enough + its instant money when you put them to bottle machine :)

or you could always try get some MRR products and sell them for pp cash :)
Why can't you bum market? It doesn't cost any money at all to write articles and submit them to ezine. You seem like you can write well enough, so put your effort into that vs. writing threads.

He doesn't want to be "assed" with writing a lot of content. That is WAY too much work :rolleyes:
"WORK IS FUN" is just marketing crap....

"WORK IS TOUGH" but its the reward thats fun....
Just read through everything everybodys been saying...

Your right i am kind of contractidicting myself, and because im broke i do need to put in the hard work doing the crap jobs to get a little bit of money in.

Im on it now, thanks for all the talk. Sometimes all somebody needs is to be told about themselves you know. Cheers.

EDIT - Re-Worked My Schedule. Im going to Bum Market for a few hours each day. Plus ive thought of a little scam aswell lol - Make friends on, tell them i will make them a skin for free, all they have to do is sign up for a free account on AFF and IwantU, I will do 15mins work for them for free if they do 5mins work for me for free.

Thanks again fellas
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