CJ Commission Problem


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Ok. So I have been promoting this aff program on craigslist. I cloak the link and blank the referrer and put it at the bottom of my cl post as an image link. Recently, my CTR has skyrocketed to 97% and I think that is bad. But, I have been getting quite a nice conversion. How can I raise the impressions so my CTR goes down?



PS. If someone can do it for me, I'll give them 4 or 5 bucks.
PPS. I need 500-1000 impressions and a solution I can use to keep the rate low.
You THINK it is bad? You better throw junk traffic at your landing page or you are going to get banned in no short order.
97% ctr? are you using a meta refresh to automate the landing page landing?
You THINK it is bad? You better throw junk traffic at your landing page or you are going to get banned in no short order.

I keep seeing this phrase about "junk traffic" in various threads. Can someone explain to me:

1) how to get junk traffic?
2) what is the purpose of junk traffic?

Junk traffic will lower CTR as they generally dont click on anything and as such are ideal at just lowering the CTR. Buying traffic is a great way to get crap traffic
You got one hit from me, hope that helped ;)
Would it be possible to use TrafficBot for this?

I think it allows you to generate fake hits with proxies.
Have you try adb? they have the cheap traffic,maybe for one vistor you will pay $0.01
Thanks for all your help guys. I ended up using easyonlinehits.com after a user named xhanuman suggested it to me. I purchased 5,000 hits for $7.95 and 400 hits have already come through and been recognized by cj. My outrageously high CTR of 97% has dropped to 40% and is continuing to fall until it reaches 5-7%
OK I'm a noob at all this... (Big surprise with my post count of 2)... I understand the basic concept of junk traffic... But looking for a little more info. if anyone can help.

I have a CJ.com account, and have a banner on a legit site, completely related to the site. I have a system going, that yesterday with 1 click through and purchase I made $40. SO before I scale that up and have many clicks with purchases I need to drive alot of traffic to my site that doesn't click the banner or purchase... Right?

And the reasoning is because cj tracks the number of times the banner loads, versus the number of times its actually clicked to calculate the CTR... And I want a CTR of around 5-7% to not look suspicious... Do I have the basic concepts??

Beyond that, can cj.com tell if I purchased traffic from somewhere like easyonlinehits.com??
*Gasp* I don't believe I'm about to write the following words. Might want to check over at the Digital Point Forums. That's where I buy massive amounts of junk traffic on the cheap. We're talking millions of banner impressions for a few buck. (Proxy Sites)

You need banner impressions... NOT text impressions.
Hmm I dunno it looks a little shady now, cause you had an awesome CTR but all of sudden it just dropped off? Better start promoting the shit out of it now and get some signups with all that junk traffic coming in
start getting junk traffic to it asap. start with slow increments so they wont just see a giant change in your stats. lots of traffic dealers at DP with cheap prices. hit them up