Flu shots contain thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative. Mercury is linked to neurological disorders, and some people believe the mercury in vaccines given to children causes autism.
The effects of mercury in the body are cumulative. Some people may have low thresholds for mercury toxicity. That explains why she got shots the previous years and was fine; she hadn't reached levels that were toxic for her body yet.
Dystonia is a neurological condition, possibly related to the mercury in the flu shot (assuming she did not get a thimerosal-free version, which you have to specifically ask for). Mercury can be removed from the body by a process called "chelation" (it's what Jeremy Piven did when he had mercury poisoning), but chelation does not reverse neurological conditions.
There are also studies suggesting that vaccines produce acute brain inflammation which can lead to a host of problems.
That has to be fake. How can she run when she cant even walk.
Because Dystonia is a neurological disorder. The neural pathways for running are not identical to those used for walking, so one may be affected without the others.
The brain is not fully understood and neither is the cause and treatment of neurological disorders. In fact, even the medications that are used to treat them are not fully understood. Doctors and chemists have an idea of what might be happening in the brain, but they're not sure. And many neurological medications have horrible side effects that in some cases are worse than the underlying diseases. It's better than it was in the 50s, but it's still not very good.
This is why medical science and stem cell research need to be a high priority.