check this out chick gets mangled from flu shot

Fake, or the shot isn't the cause.

Fake or not, the flu shot is a fucking joke, there hasn't been one study done that proves the flu shot works, YET there was a study done late last year that proved the shot does not work.

Also, coincidence or not, but I once worked a job that REQUIRED you to take a flu shot, I had been flu free for 9 years UNTIL that year I got the shot. Tell me it works, please.

Shit pisses me off every time I hear about it.
I will take my chances without it thank you. Never had a flu shot in my life and I'm not going to start now, especially after reading what can happen if you do.
Fake, or the shot isn't the cause.

What makes you say its fake dude? Flu shots have actually been known (look up the crap back in '76 or w/e) to cause neurological damage. Not saying you are wrong, just wondering what makes you think this is fake or the shot wasn't the cause.

Either way, much like posted above...I have been Flu free since I was a kid. I honestly can't remember the last time I had the Flu...I was what..maybe 10? So that would make me Flu free for 16 years now. No way in hell are they touching me with that shit...

I'll take a bullet to the head first...
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That has to be fake. How can she run when she cant even walk. -.-
I had the flu shot once and a week later I got the worst flu that I have ever had in my life. I never went back after that lol
"According to the CDC, due to the very low numbers of cases, the disorder is poorly-understood and there is no evidence either for or against it being caused by vaccinations."

When you saw it from YouTube or a friend told you about it on Facebook, there is chance you're getting the whole story...

As for side effects. Scientists do agree that any vaccine can cause harm but it saves way more lives than it takes.

And also I haven't took a shot for ages because I try to put as less junk in my system as possible. But I rarely get sick :D Immune system and Chinese medicine for life! :D
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Flu shots contain thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative. Mercury is linked to neurological disorders, and some people believe the mercury in vaccines given to children causes autism.

The effects of mercury in the body are cumulative. Some people may have low thresholds for mercury toxicity. That explains why she got shots the previous years and was fine; she hadn't reached levels that were toxic for her body yet.

Dystonia is a neurological condition, possibly related to the mercury in the flu shot (assuming she did not get a thimerosal-free version, which you have to specifically ask for). Mercury can be removed from the body by a process called "chelation" (it's what Jeremy Piven did when he had mercury poisoning), but chelation does not reverse neurological conditions.

There are also studies suggesting that vaccines produce acute brain inflammation which can lead to a host of problems.

That has to be fake. How can she run when she cant even walk. -.-

Because Dystonia is a neurological disorder. The neural pathways for running are not identical to those used for walking, so one may be affected without the others.

The brain is not fully understood and neither is the cause and treatment of neurological disorders. In fact, even the medications that are used to treat them are not fully understood. Doctors and chemists have an idea of what might be happening in the brain, but they're not sure. And many neurological medications have horrible side effects that in some cases are worse than the underlying diseases. It's better than it was in the 50s, but it's still not very good.

This is why medical science and stem cell research need to be a high priority.
I guarentee you that more people die from not getting the flue shot than getting it....
That has to be fake. How can she run when she cant even walk. -.-

Oh wait, you're saying that you completely understand how humans nervous systems work?

That's like saying you can't have Parkinson's disease when the person doesn't show signs of it when one sleeps. And of course if you knew anything about Parkinson's disease you'd know people who have it do not show any signs of having the disease.

This is why medical science and stem cell research need to be a high priority.

Oh yes, god forbid we try stem cell research via fetuses that will BE DESTROYED ANYWAY, why not make use of them? +1
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Oh wait, you're saying that you completely understand how humans nervous systems work?

That's like saying you can't have Parkinson's disease when the person doesn't show signs of it when one sleeps. And of course if you knew anything about Parkinson's disease you'd know people who have it do not show any signs of having the disease.

Oh yes, god forbid we try stem cell research via fetuses that will BE DESTROYED ANYWAY, why not make use of them? +1

Parkinson's disease is not even related. The reason signs are not shown is because when you are a sleep your heart rate as well as thousands of other things slow down. The reason i said it was fake because the reason a person can run is because of the same muscles that allow you to walk. If you cant walk you cant run. Simple as that.
Parkinson's and Dystonia are both neurological disorders.

That vid isn't fake. Running != walking. Go take Neurology 101 and then come back and post in this thread.
You could make videos like this about every procedure. Not sure of the exact stats but what is it....100k deaths in the US each year from medical errors and over a million injuries from other errors (prescriptions & procedures)?

I don't know how people can enjoy life when they worry about everything. Exercise, eat healthy and get about 8hrs of sleep a night and 90% of the health problems will vanish.