Article services
Article Uniqueness: 70-100%
Article Turnaround Time: 30 Hours (On Average)
Quality Control: Pass Copyscape,dupecop,good grammar
Article Length: 400-800
Keyword Density Service: no
Minimum Order: 10
Maximum Articles Per Day: 50
Review Copies Available?: Yes
Payment: Upfront
Payment Method: Paypal
Cost per Article: $3
Package Offer: 100 articles for $250 ($2.5 per article)(3-7 days)
Package Offer 2: 50 articles for $100 (30 hours)
here is part of an article i wrote:Anabolic steroids are drugs that encourage the development of lean muscularity. They can be consumed in pill form, by injecting into muscular tissues or yet by fraying ointment formulations into the skin. Steroids are used by doctors to comprehend conditions that occur when the body produces abnormally low numbers of testosterone. Steroid maltreaters obtain these drugs either by buying them from clandestine labs or shipping them from other countries illegally.
Article Uniqueness: 70-100%
Article Turnaround Time: 30 Hours (On Average)
Quality Control: Pass Copyscape,dupecop,good grammar
Article Length: 400-800
Keyword Density Service: no
Minimum Order: 10
Maximum Articles Per Day: 50
Review Copies Available?: Yes
Payment: Upfront
Payment Method: Paypal
Cost per Article: $3
Package Offer: 100 articles for $250 ($2.5 per article)(3-7 days)
Package Offer 2: 50 articles for $100 (30 hours)
here is part of an article i wrote:Anabolic steroids are drugs that encourage the development of lean muscularity. They can be consumed in pill form, by injecting into muscular tissues or yet by fraying ointment formulations into the skin. Steroids are used by doctors to comprehend conditions that occur when the body produces abnormally low numbers of testosterone. Steroid maltreaters obtain these drugs either by buying them from clandestine labs or shipping them from other countries illegally.