Can't iFrame Google? Facebook? Youtube?!?! Anyone Else?!?!


Power Member
Dec 8, 2010
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When I try to iframe any of these i get a blank frame...anyone else having this? Is this just a problem with me...or is this old news?
Very, very old news.. of course these giants are not going to just let you frame whatever you want.
gonna iframe the search box and start your own google?
Commonly known problem, you could exploit FaceBook in so many ways if you could frame it.
There are ways to keep some of the framebreaker scripts on some sites from working, but I doubt anyone will show them here. Some sites used to just have a CSS show something different if the site was no the top frame, and only like a site logo would show.

Facebook would be great to iframe, you could REALLY mess with it and make a ton of $$$. There actually was a technique where if you disabled the users browser from executing any javascript then it would allow you to iframe a FB page, but within an hour of when I found it they somehow caught on and as of about 2 months now they changed it up to where nothing will render at all, so that exploit will not work (I was very disappointed by this). I also used to iframe live-stream and invite plugins to display the users name picture and friends to make my scripts look more believable, but that isn't working anymore either.

If you find any way to do this you are a genius, and you should contact me asap!