Can you rank yahoo answers on top 3?


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
I was wondering if it was possible in 2014 to rank a yahoo answer on top 3 of google if it's already ranking somewhere on 1st page of google.
I'm pretty sure it's still possible. Are you meaning the top 3 search results on the first page?
I'm pretty sure it's still possible. Are you meaning the top 3 search results on the first page?
Yes...the yahoo answer im trying to rank is on the lower of page 1, i want to bring it on top 3
It feels like google demotes yahoo results, Tumblr used to rank great then october last year it took a big hit. Google has tight control of their monopoly. You could probably rank the answer higher, but who knows what their hand reviewers will do to rankings during the next adwords-boosting update.
I've been seeing Yahoo Answers making a come back. A ton more listings showing up in top ten SERPs since February.
This depends on keyword which you target to rank. There is no guarantee if you are intended to rank a keyphrase with Yahoo Answers.
i dont know about ranking but i still get good traffic from yahoo answers :)
Why dont you try ranking it and come back to tell us the result
I've been seeing Yahoo Answers making a come back. A ton more listings showing up in top ten SERPs since February.

Here in the UK, I see Y!A at the top of virtually all queries. The only exception is if the query is any KW phrase linked to ecommerce (where eBay/amazon rules the waves).
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's possible. Many of my recent searches have come up with search results in which Y!A were in the top 3-5, and they were threads/questions that weren't from too long ago. A couple of weeks, etc. So yes, probably possible.
It's absolutly possible. But not sure its worth it. What keywords are you targeting?
It's absolutly possible. But not sure its worth it. What keywords are you targeting?



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What type of link building will be effective? lets say its currently at 1st page #7 and you want to bring it on top3, but its dominated by authority sites.
My Friend -

If you are expecting accurate answer than you need to provide relevant and full information with your question.

You did not mention the most important thing and that is keyword that you want to target.

If you want to rank a yahoo answer like - What is the age of Matt Cutts ? than probably you will rank very fast.
It's not a sure thing even if you have one or a few really good links to the Answer page.
Like Youtube, it is easy to rank. BUT also, like youtube, flaggers flaggers everywhere.
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