Can you artificially boost Ahrefs Traffic and DR metrics?


Mar 31, 2018
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Hi all, I recently listen to a podcast from and the interviewee mentioned that there are some unethical vendors artificially boost their guest posting sites network in order to fetch high price for their services.

I know there are someone selling such service for DR boosting and wanted to purchase it to reverse engineer it just so to prevent myself from falling pray. But i couldn't figure out how can people inflate Ahrerfs Traffic data?

What is the point of that, as this metric has nothing to do with SEO?
There is someone who provide Dr Boosting service in the marketplace too.
It is possible and I did read a thread about it days ago.
Unfortunately, I do not remember the process as I just skimmed through. It has no SEO significance so just for selling guest post and flipping domains you might want to consider it
I had some decent impressions and clicks in GSC for one of my site. After I increased the DR by this method, the impression become very low or zero. So I will never try this for any of my sites again. If you only want to offer guest post or flip the domain, you can try this method.
Good for Selling PBNs. Can make tons of cash overnight with such fake profiles and metrics. But it's very unethical.
Good for Selling PBNs. Can make tons of cash overnight with such fake profiles and metrics. But it's very unethical.

Exactly, as I'm going to spend $3-5K buying guest post links and the last thing i want to have is vendors selling fake metrics.

Actually there is a method on JrVip zone.And it works!
Consider upgrading your current membership and open Fiverr sales thread later :D

Are you referring to

Is it useful, and good SEO insights there? I don't mind paying $97 to gain some hidden insights :D

What is the point of that, as this metric has nothing to do with SEO?

People are selling DR 50 guest post at $250 a pop. :devil:
Hi guys, just to be clear. I'm asking about how do inflate Ahref traffic data, not DR since there's a service for that.
What is the point of that, as this metric has nothing to do with SEO?

Generally, for selling more expensive high metrics domains to people that can't care about looking to the linking profile. A black hat practice all the way.
Hi guys, just to be clear. I'm asking about how do inflate Ahref traffic data, not DR since there's a service for that.
Increasing DR is piece of cake, however increasing traffic is hard, no guarantee, risky, but not impossible. You need traffic bots/micro job workers to increase volume searches for some retarded keywords you rank top 5 for/your brand. For example you rank first for "your brand", but there is zero search. Use bots to fake higher and higher search volume overtime for several months and eventually Ahrefs will pick it up. I manage to get "site:domain" to 20-30 volume in Ahrefs by manually checking a lot of times if one of ours test website is into the index. :D
Generally, for selling more expensive high metrics domains to people that can't care about looking to the linking profile. A black hat practice all the way.

It is more a scamhat (or scumbag) practice all the way.