can vendors buy their own products clickbank?


Dec 7, 2011
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Hey there!

I am new to this forum. I think you guys are doing a great job, hope to contribute from what I know in the future...

I recently uploaded a product to clickbank

And at the moment I have no affiliate interested...

Since I don't have any stats, no one wants to promote my product, and it is kind of a chicken and egg situation..

So I wondered if I could open an affiliate account and buy a few copies of my product to increase stats?

The cost will be the clickbank cost- about $2 per purchase in this case...
as long as you use different accounts when you go though the payment proccessor
because if you use the same account to buy your own product Click Bank won't
pay you the commision.

I did it years ago I used to buy CB products that I liked with my own hop link and get then
get the some of the money back. after a month CB said that you have to have 5 sales
from different accounts or users before you get the commision owned
You can ask somne friend to open a new affiliate account for you and then buy your products from CB.
and what's the point of doing that for 2$?:)
It's against their TOS, but many people do it. BUT is it really worth the risk of getting banned? Clickbank seem to be getting stricter of late.