Can i use my neighbors unlocked internet as a proxy?


Regular Member
May 23, 2011
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I use their internet a lot and was wondering if i can use it as a proxy for my bot?
I don't see why not!

In case they catch on and lock you out, have you considered using public wifi like in coffee shops / hotels, etc?
I don't think they will catch me (even know they work for comcast lol) i use their internet all the time. Also sadly that and one other network are the only public/unlocked ones around.

EDIT: i can't afford a private proxy because i'm gonna waste all my money on a bot.
You can buy 5 IPs on VPN for $20 a month. Try googling some services.
Yes but i also need money for a captcha killer (unless someone knows a good free one). So i can't keep buying proxies.
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Yes but i also need money for a captcha killer (unless someone knows a good free one). So i can't keep buying proxies.

And once you get their IP banned with your bot then what are you going to do? Can you run over and ask them to reboot their modem? Or maybe you can run to the electric meter and shut down their whole house every few minutes to reset their router? You're not planing very well and being greedy. If you can't afford a dollar for a proxy then you're probably in the wrong business.
You need to spend money to make money but i can't spend it if i don't have it. I was just gonna use their ip to make some accounts (not hundreds) also i know how to reset their ip (it's dynamic).
I never knew you could rest your neighbours IP? Oh well you learn something new every day.
If you're connected to their network, most probably you can access the router's admin page, no? head to either / / / and restart the modem/router through there?

typical Dlink modem/router uses "admin/admin" "admin/password" "admin/[blank]" as default username/password..
If you're connected to their network, most probably you can access the router's admin page, no? head to either / / / and restart the modem/router through there?

typical Dlink modem/router uses "admin/admin" "admin/password" "admin/[blank]" as default username/password..
Ya i know that but then when they see their router/modem restart they're gonna know someones using it.

yes this too! easiest way lol

View attachment 23601

ya that's how i reset the ip lol.
Ya i know that but then when they see their router/modem restart they're gonna know someones using it.

Well, not necessarily :)

My ISP used to randomly reset my router a few times late in the day when internet usage volume was low (this was an issue they were having, doesn't happen anymore!)
As long as you don't do it too often, I doubt the first thing they'll think is somebody remotely resetting their router, people can be forgiving if they rarely notice something such as a reset.

Don't overdo it and I'm sure you'll be just fine!

Good Luck,
- Metra
If someone isn't locking their wifi, what are the odds they're going to notice it turn off and on?
The odds are very low but they do work for comcast so a buddy of theirs might tell them that someone restarted their router/modem.