Can I use adsense for my adult site?


Junior Member
Sep 11, 2020
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Wondering where to start. It seems like Crak Revenue has bad reviews. Are there other suggestions and is Adsense a possibility?
Adsense is not good for Adult sites. For start you can try with Exoclick.

@CrakRevenue can also help you.
You can't use adsense for the adult websites. Try exoclicks or something ;)
No u cant. Ur account will be banned.
They won't accept adult. Moreover, you'll get better revenue by using adult affiliates.
add "download" button on your adult site.
then, direct to your another site..

i mean, direct to short link (your site)..
put your adsense..

well, i dont know, if this year work or not,
but, 2 years ago i was use it..
and after 1 year 3 month, i got banned, it say, invalid click..
Hi,you can try us if you have traffic from europe, russia, latino america or south africa.
Yeah as others mentioned, adult traffic is not allowed with them. You should check out Exoclick or Juicyads.
I think adsense wont allow that.