Can i receive DMCA for posting favicon logo?


Power Member
Mar 25, 2022
Reaction score
I am talking about those small icons which appear to the left of URL when u do mobile search. There are logo design sites , what if i copied one of it (letter logo) will i receive dmca later if they complain ? Thanks
all depends if your image will be crawable and recognised by automatic tools
nobody is searching for DMCA work manualy

fix: rotate it or mirror
smart decision
I'm not sure what the situation is as I was searching for a bing logo for a site, and I'll be damned if I could find a place where I could get a quality image from. I don't know if bing was actively looking and promoting take down, but there certainly wasn't just an easy link for "newest bing logo" Eventually I found this logo site. You should check them out, and their model.
Why dont you replicate it in photoshop with a little twist. That way is unique, it takes me around 2 min to make a new fav icon for my sites.
It depends on whether it's registered or not