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Can i display other ads along with adsense?


Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Can i display other ads like chitika,clickbank,kontera etc along with adsense?
Hmm strange. I heard the opposite. You can only have 3 adsense banners at a time and have to remove the other banners (per page).

Please correct me if I'm wrong here.
yea you can, but why do you want to use other ads network when you have adsense ?
You probably can but make sure your site doesn't look spammy with all those ads!
Yes you can but as said wast time
unless it a advert privately paid for

Adsence let you add 3 adverts anywere on a page.....
What happens if one of the AdSense accounts get banned? Do they ban the other two?
What happens if one of the AdSense accounts get banned? Do they ban the other two?

Ill try to explain you:

1. YOU DONT NEED 3 adsense accounts for one website. It's 3 adsense ad blocks or adsense banners. no more than 3 per website.

I do not recommend add other services like chikita, etc... to the same website that has adsense.
OP - you will want to use an open source ad serving platform in order to display ads including adsense as well as ads from other people. Generally these would be in a rotation. You still don't want to show more than 3 adblocks on the same page because it will drop your overall quality scores, and bring your earnings per ad click down. So just use the top converting 3 slots, and then setup an ad rotator so that you earn revenue from your multiple earnings opportunities. So you would put your adsense blocks, chitika, etc... in the rotation and it would serve those ads based on the schedule your tell it to use.

I hope I understood your question well enough. If you really want to show more than 3 ads per page served you can do so, but it will significantly reduce your click through rate as well as your earnings per click. Good luck!