can I cheat this software like this?


Elite Member
May 9, 2008
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I want to use a software that is $100+ a month but it offers me a 30 day trial at $50. What I did was I used it for 28 days and then got a refund. Now I thought that I could use another email address and TRY it again for 30 days for the same $50 and cycle it throughout the year using different email addresses as PP allows 8 additional email addresses.

The problem is that I tried to pay from my account using the SECOND email address and password but got caught and the site said : YOUR ACCOUNT IS ALREADY ASSOCIATED WITH ONE USER. THIS IS AGAINST OUR TOS

Is there a way I can get it for the entire year cylcing the same $50???

Cannot reveal the name of the software
How about this:

I go to the nearest cyber cafe and open a new paypal account. I pay $50 to this new account from my own account using my own IP and then again I go in the cyber cafe and buy the software.
I use the software at home, is there anyway that they trace IPs???
Can I get away with this?
How about you just pay the full price.... 50$ more is not a lot especially if you like the software. Give the developer what he deserves.
How about you just pay the full price.... 50$ more is not a lot especially if you like the software. Give the developer what he deserves.

this peoples just love to '' cheat '' pretending to be honest and working legaly .. :) ... idea it's deeper than just 50 bucks ...
the thing is I did not make back even the $50 that I invested. If I make that money I'll definitely pay also the software does not perform as desired or quoted but works better than others
if the software calls home, there is a chance you will still get caught because of your installation's footprint.
if you really have a case (software not performing as advertised), you might be able to negotiate a better price or several more months on trial.
I disapprove the fact that you are asking for a refund after 28 days and still like the software enough to be willing to go through all this trouble.
Not sharing the name of the software also proves you shortsighted. Someone might have given you a clue on how to null it / get a coupon / try a free alternative. Is this on the Do Not Share list? And gosh, you are almost every time starting threads for individual profit. Bad karma!
Sounds like he might be using some of Peter Drew's crap....
Is it really worth going to a cyber cafe, making a new paypal, transfering between the two on different IPs and then paying for $50? If its worth the money just pay for it, if its not then I dunno why you want it anyways.
Just get some prepaid credit cards, switch your IP and email addy and there will be no way to tell who you are.
Then why are you purchasing it again if it doesnt work... I mean you cant blame the software if you did not make any money, in the end its you who is controlling the program.