Can A Marketing "Guru" FAKE Their Story (And GET AWAY With It?)


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2018
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Hi guys, I am launching a Course targeted towards the Consultant Industry that provides tons of value and I have a good marketing strategy.

The problem?

I don't have a STORY of success in the Consulting industry that I'm providing the Course to..

1) Is it possible to "create" a fake story about how I became successful with my business and get away with it when marketing my biz? (Eg. showing fake stats, saying I had a company and that it did very well, etc)

2) Do Gurus get away with fake success stories of their own?

*This is a Blackhat question, so please spare me the whole "Its not good to lie" stuff.
Cant rember he's name. But one posted alot of supercars big houses etc etc. And was faking it till he was making it ;)
Yes of course, but you'll soon get found out and ripped an new asshole once that happens.

How though? Since I'm selling a Consultant Course to the Consultant Industry...

I can just say I owned a Consultant Firm and that it did 7-Figures with my System that I give them in the Course.

Think about it.

What are they going to do, ask to audit my firm's financial accounts?

PS: The system I give in the course actually HAS given people success. I don't have time to implement it, would rather sell it as a course.
Cant rember he's name. But one posted alot of supercars big houses etc etc. And was faking it till he was making it ;)

Yes, I can do that later. But - My question is can they find out about the FINANCIALS behind the supposed "business" that you made successful?

If I say that my previous company did millions.. they can't really find out. Unless its something like eCommerce where they can view traffic. But I'm targetting the Consultant industry.
Remember this: Bullshit can get you to the top but it won't keep you there for too long!
Remember this: Bullshit can get you to the top but it won't keep you there for too long!

Again, please respond to my post above.

How would they find out of my supposed "Consultant Firm" not making millions?

No one knew how Jeffrey Epstein made his billions as his "Hedge Fund" was purely private clients with private transactions.

A lot of Gurus (I think) do the same. They show their company, flex their fake revenue, and people believe them.

Can I not do the same with a Consultant Firm in my example?
2 words: Tai Lopez.

Good point. He says he's run a dating website, nightclub, etc in the past.. and the guy NEVER EVER has revealed the financials/SOLID PROOF of those companies.

Yet his Sales Funnels suck everyone in and he's arguably the top guru in the game.

I'm trying to play devil's advocate here to find potential risks though.
Good point. He says he's run a dating website, nightclub, etc in the past.. and the guy NEVER EVER has revealed the financials/SOLID PROOF of those companies.

Yet his Sales Funnels suck everyone in and he's arguably the top guru in the game.

I'm trying to play devil's advocate here to find potential risks though.
yea but surely not a top fake guru by miles :)

There are many douchebags in that list!
I would say go for it. And yes nobody will come after you, if you put in some "extra" as long as the product is good. Nobody will say anything.
There are 3 types of "gurus":

1. Those that are continually successful with the method - very rarely have time to write a training course, so frequently get a collaborator.
2. Those that have intermittent success with the method - not exactly lying, but telling you something that used to work and does not work as well now.
3. Those that have had no success with the method - bullshit merchants, in theory maybe the idea works but they don't actually know.

If you know how to get traffic to your course then I suggest ideally collaborate with someone who knows what they are doing and has success.

Or at the very least test the method you are promoting out and have a little bit of success before providing "tons of value" else quite frankly there is no value.

Else, if you don't know how to drive traffic why bother because as has been said, if you are #3 you will kill your rep and you will make very little money.
I would say go for it. And yes nobody will come after you, if you put in some "extra" as long as the product is good. Nobody will say anything.


And worst case, if I do get "Exposed" somehow.. by that time I'll already be at the top.
Good point. He says he's run a dating website, nightclub, etc in the past.. and the guy NEVER EVER has revealed the financials/SOLID PROOF of those companies.

Yet his Sales Funnels suck everyone in and he's arguably the top guru in the game.

I'm trying to play devil's advocate here to find potential risks though.

There was an expert in a non IM field, who was doing the speaker circuit as a expert and was called Dr XXX XXX and people paid to have private consultations with him.
The thing was, not everything he said was accurate and other Drs and Professors asked about the science behind some of his comments.

So as things go, people dug into his background; He was never a PhD, He wasn't even a MSc.
Here he then declared he never actually advertised himself as a Dr ( Isn't WayBackmachine great? ) so was revealed to be full of shit once again.

The thing is if you're walking the walk and talking the talk, people can believe you, but once you slip up then you're on a slippery slope. That being the case, if you've banked hard and safeguarded the money: Do you actually care?
There was an expert in a non IM field, who was doing the speaker circuit as a expert and was called Dr XXX XXX and people paid to have private consultations with him.
The thing was, not everything he said was accurate and other Drs and Professors asked about the science behind some of his comments.

So as things go, people dug into his background; He was never a PhD, He wasn't even a MSc.
Here he then declared he never actually advertised himself as a Dr ( Isn't WayBackmachine great? ) so was revealed to be full of shit once again.

The thing is if you're walking the walk and talking the talk, people can believe you, but once you slip up then you're on a slippery slope. That being the case, if you've banked hard and safeguarded the money: Do you actually care?

Good point on the end there. I think your eg makes more sense in that medical profession where credentials are public and much much more transparent.

VS "lol just launched an online consultant company and made millions sup"

Much easier to get away with faking your success in the latter it feels like.
Good point on the end there. I think your eg makes more sense in that medical profession where credentials are public and much much more transparent.

VS "lol just launched an online consultant company and made millions sup"

Much easier to get away with faking your success in the latter it feels like.

He wasn't medical he was a PhD, but everyone called him Dr XXX, but the idea was the same. People believed he was credible because he was known as Dr XXXX