Calling out to Houston SEO's and affilite marketers interested in meeting up


Registered Member
Sep 11, 2013
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Hello Everyone,

Sorry to interrupt your lounge time but I noticed a lot of people hang in this area and I was not sure where to post this message. Myself and a couple of my friends started a meetup group here in Houston a while back and we have gotten a mixed bag of people joining the group. So far it has not taken off the way that we would have liked. We like the crowd here and I guess you could say mentality and approach that you all take towards the industry and we were hoping to align more with individuals such as yourself. Let's face it, all black hat marketers know white hat SEO but we also know other ways to market as well...

A little bit about the group and organizers. We are all passionate about SEO and want to meetup with other professionals that want to talk SEO after work. We are looking to form long term and trusted friendships in the community but our focus is not so much on socializing as it is on learning, sharing and working on projects. There are plenty of groups to just socialize, we want to grow and expand our knowledge. We all work full time in the areas of online marketing and have strong skill-sets in several areas, which we are willing to share in. This includes white and black hat SEO, PPC, eCommerce, web design, conversion optimization, landing page design, affiliate marketing and much more.

We would love to have a dedicated SEO and affiliate marketing group the way Austin and Dallas does here in Houston. Our goal is quality over quantity. We want to collaborate, share ideas and help each other on projects. If you live in the Houston area, please send me a a private message so I can send you the information to the meetup group. Hope to get some good responses here and I wish you all a great day!
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