Calling on all experts: Forum traffic


Power Member
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
So I just started my lil lens and after 3 days, it got 214 visits.

Approximately 3/5s of the traffic was from a hot niche forum. These wiseasses "really know their shit" so they are spreading dirty rumors but apart from that it's all gravy.

Here's the stuff that's got me concerned - i don't think forum traffic is good converting traffic at all. Infact it's kinda polluting my true conv. rate as well. The lens is well made with tons of quality info, 49 people have visited my affiliate link from it. Unless the product I'm promoting has a cov. rate of under 2% - which I dont mind at all (it has to be between 1-2% that realistic?) then what i'm hearing is that forum traffic blows and is mostly composed of a bunch of nerds sitting around with their n00dles in their hand.

Fuck..... oh well. Work work work. Just really need help figuring that out. Thanks in advance.
Forum traffic can be good if it is coming from a targeted niche
For me forum traffic really sucks in some niches, does fine in others. The more you can find an exact match between your niche, your demographic's core desire, and a forum that addresses that niche and desire, the better you'll do.

But it's always worth joining forums. The backlink value alone helps you move up the rankings in Google very nicely, which in turn allows you to get better organic placements for your keywords and more organic traffic from Google for your keywords. So it's all part of the process.

Yes, but how do you find ******** forums?? Most forums I know are no follow.
Worry about traffic more than you do about no-follow, a link is always good if it comes from a relevant site
In my opinion, rorum posts are for advertising, not for SEO. Target threads that are bound to get high num of views and be the second (or first) to post in that thread. This with a well written sig will give you hits. Hits that are interested in it and targeted.