Call For Art - Looking for Graffiti Artitsts and Street Writers


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2009
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We?re going bigger and better this year!

Center of creative ideas Creativia is looking for submissions for the second edition of S3T ART International Street Art Show!

Here?s the deal:
We are looking for stickers, stencils, posters, paste-ups and all kind of similar stuff to introduce them to our local community (and possibly beyond ? more info soon)

But! This is not another in the line of "lets put some stickers side by side in a gallery" type show! After the exhibition, we will make sure that the majority of the received material actually end up on the streets where they belong!

Our goal is to gather together a bunch of creative artists, show their works to our general public, help the community realizing that what we do is much more than pure vandalism, and lifting the local street art scene to a whole new level!

The show will run in middle of October. Exact date and venue will be announced soon! The reason of this is that there is a possibility of multiple venues in Kikinda and surrounding cities! ;)

The deadline is September 15, 2012. Please make sure that your package arrive ?round this time ? we will accept late entries, however there is no guarantee that they will be featured in official line-up in printed materials.

Adress for submissions:
Creativia Kikinda
Brace Tatica 8A
23300 Kikinda
Sounds nice. Pics from the previous one?
The first exhibition was held between 15-31.10.2010 in the National Museum in Kikinda, Serbia with circa 20 featured artists from over 10 countries. The show was organized as part of the "Power To Imagination" Festival and attracted over 3000 visitors.

all photos are from flickr btw, the other two links are only for some more info, and for the print we had last year ;)

hope to see some writers from bhw as well:)