California Coin - New Alt Coin Launched Today


Regular Member
Oct 26, 2011
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California Coin!


CaliforniaCoin Details:
Total Coins: 16,800,000,000 CaliforniaCoins
Initial Coins Per Block: 10,000 Coins
Halving In: 840000 blocks
Target spacing10 min
Target timespan168 h
Pre-Mine 4.5 % (That will be used as an Airdrop to the California people and for the dev team to pay for bounties)

BitcoinTalk Official [ANN]:


needed, Contact Dev!

Official Site:
Official Twitter:

California Coin is the latest alt coin to launch, and picking up speed fast! Now is the best time to set up your miners and solo mine some California Coins before difficulty gets too high. If you have any troubles mining and or getting set up feel free to post in this thread or on the official announcement thread above! Happy mining and welcome to the new gold rush!



  • job2D.jpg
    57 KB · Views: 1
huh another coin. Well it's always good to be in on the launch. How do you start mining this without a pool? Can you please enlighten us newbies? I missed the BTC boat and always wanted to get in on something. I got 2 290x's laying around doing nothing besides gaming
If I am not wrong, I guess the name of this coin was discussed on BHW. Don't exactly remember but it was few months back.

Anyways, congrats!

Are the creators of this coin from BHW?
huh another coin. Well it's always good to be in on the launch. How do you start mining this without a pool? Can you please enlighten us newbies? I missed the BTC boat and always wanted to get in on something. I got 2 290x's laying around doing nothing besides gaming

Thank you for joining in! there are several ways you can join in and start mining without a pool. I will try to break it down into two two categories, CPU and GPU mining.

CPU: first off you need the wallet, so head over to the official ann. thread over at bitcointalk and download the wallet. Once you have it downloaded open the wallet and let it sync, you can also choose to follow the image instructions which are located right below the wallet download or you can continue on here. Once the wallet is synced click the "help" menu and then select "debug window" finally select the "console" tab. Inside the console tab you will want to fire off the command to start mining, which is "setgenerate true 4" without the quotation marks! the number would be how many cpu cores you would like to mine!

GPU AMD: just like above you need to download the wallet and open it at least once in order for the file we need to edit to be created. Close the app and look for the file "coin.conf" which will be located in the same folder as your wallets EXE. once inside make sure it looks like this...
Once you copy the above and create a random user / pass you will need to create a bat file for your GPU miner. In this example we will be covering CGMiner! Once you have it downloaded open up CGMiner's folder and create a bat file with the following information...
cgminer.exe --scrypt --no-submit-stale -o -O yourname:yourpass --xintensity 4 --worksize 256 --queue 0 --scan-time 1
Once you run the bat file you should be mining away!

GPU Nvidia: Luckily Nvidia cards are just as easy to mine with! Unfortunately not as efficient. First download Cudaminer a simple google search will work! then like the above AMD steps simply download the wallet and open it up once, then close it. Edit the "coin.conf" file with the same settings from the AMD section. Then go to your cudaminer folder and prepare a bat file! for this bat file simply use...
cudaminer -o -O yourname:yourpass
then run your bat file! sorry if I missed anything, its a bit late here in california and im pretty high / tired lol
Thanks for explaining how to mine. I'm up to 398 kh/s on my overclocked 7850

This rules I'm finding blocks every few minutes! Super fun! I hope this turns out to be worth something big in the the future. California rules!
If I am not wrong, I guess the name of this coin was discussed on BHW. Don't exactly remember but it was few months back.

Anyways, congrats!

Are the creators of this coin from BHW?

Thank you! I wish I had more to do with this coin honestly! I am not sure if the admin is a BHW member or not, he is on bitcointalk and that is where I saw the coin. I mined it from block 1 and had a lot of fun so I decided to try to help the community by sharing the coins info here. Which is why I linked to the official ANN thread on bitcoin talk. Enjoy and hope you all get a lot of coins! stay tuned for the airdrop too! (California residents only)
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Another question what's the best GPU for the buck, I'm hearing from a lot of people on reddit that it's the 270x

your thoughts?

I'm looking to upgrade
Thank you! I wish I had more to do with this coin honestly! I am not sure if the admin is a BHW member or not, he is on bitcointalk and that is where I saw the coin. I mined it from block 1 and had a lot of fun so I decided to try to help the community by sharing the coins info here. Which is why I linked to the official ANN thread on bitcoin talk. Enjoy and hope you all get a lot of coins! stay tuned for the airdrop too! (California residents only)

You quoted the wrong post. :)
Thank you! I wish I had more to do with this coin honestly! I am not sure if the admin is a BHW member or not, he is on bitcointalk and that is where I saw the coin. I mined it from block 1 and had a lot of fun so I decided to try to help the community by sharing the coins info here. Which is why I linked to the official ANN thread on bitcoin talk. Enjoy and hope you all get a lot of coins! stay tuned for the airdrop too! (California residents only)

Honestly im starting to learn towards asics for scrypt mining just because electricity costs in California are retarded. I pay like .37 per KWH for like 75% of my usage. We are on a tiered plan in California, its pretty stupid. asics are more expensive but use way less power and save u a lot of cash in the long run. However for GPU's I always compare price with KH that can be found here The AMD 7970 cost around 225+ on ebay and various places and can get 780 KH which is not bad at all! but the best thing to do is check cards on the chart above, sort by KH and check prices.
Another question what's the best GPU for the buck, I'm hearing from a lot of people on reddit that it's the 270x

your thoughts?

I'm looking to upgrade

I blame the weed lol! and its 2:40am in cali lol

edit: i fixed it tho lol
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Again wrong quote. Have a nap buddy :)

Ok I can finally rest now that its fixed! hahaha... one more hit tho! good luck! and join us on bitcointalk as well, or just browse! a lot of good info. Im also down to help from here just havnt been on as much lately. Hopefully we get a pool owner to pick this up, that would be sweet.
Yeah if u check their bitcointalk thread there seems to be talk about getting the coins on the exchanges. For now I'm keeping mine and seeing if this could go far. Less coins than Dogecoin so I really like it and it's fun to mine
Im mining this its moving up on coinmarketcap the value is gonna spike once the groups of pumpers hit it hard
this coin is crap. I was a part of it until the owner re-launched without telling the devs... like one user said on bitcointalk, "this dev couldnt code his way out of a test message" lol.