Bypass Twitter Daily Following Limit (UNLIMITED) & Automation Question?


Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
I found a way to follow more than the 1,000 daily limit set by Twitter. Just manually follow on an android phone and for some reason it lets you follow more than the limit. I've followed 4-5k in one day like this, gaining around 3k or so, but the problem is that it takes a while to do.

My question is, is there a way you can automate the following? For instance, running a vnc app such as Remote Web Desktop, allowing you to control your phone via computer, and somehow get it to follow people on its own? Does anybody have any ideas?
Hmm gives me an idea I might be able to make an app that will run the twitter app and fallow based on a list provided...

But I do hate working on android sdk hmmm
If you come up with anything let me know. I've been doing this for a couple of days now gaining around 3-4k a day. It's a good way to build up accounts.
If you could get it to remotely connect, couldnt you just use an IMacros script to do all the following for you??
The simplest way for now would be do it right from your desktop with bluestacks.
I don't really know much about iMacros, but I could get the phone to come up with the app and it was a Java application running in the internet browser. Not sure if you could make an iMacro for that or not?
Would you be able to automate the following that way though?
Try Bluestacks (android emulator) and WinAutomation (allows you to record mouse movements and clicks)
Torrent the early release of WindowsAndroid, and then use JitBit to automate. ;)
Just tried this with bluestacks and it's not letting me follow anyone.
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can anyone confirm this android trick? and how long would it take for twitter to ban this, roughly.
I've been setting up my PrePaid Cell phone with unlimited data to my computer and I can run the internet though the cell proxy. Because most social media sites think I'm on a cell phone, they think your all my traffic is legitimate and not spam. It's slow, but works.
You are manually tapping 4-5K on your phone? I feel sorry for your fingers already ^_^ thanks for the share though.