By Popular Demand: The Bhatsuccess Guide to High-Ranking Squidoo Lens Building


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
*This guide is written as a follow-up to the bhatsuccess post: Squidoo Trick to Getting Highly Relevant Backlinks to your Website

We all want to build high quality Squidoo lenses that not only rank high in the SERP's but also rank high in Squidoo categories right? Because after all, these hubpages are valuable sales tools that are pointing back to your affiliate money site right?

Well, bhatsuccess has just the recipe you're looking for.


1 Part Keyword Rich Squidoo URL: This part is simple, select a squidoo url that fits your primary keyword such as

Hint: Popular Topics always do best.

3 Parts Keyword Research: You're going to have to find a Squidoo lens with a similar topic that ranks well on Squidoo, and then you're going to Click View>Source at the top of your browser page.

Now manually enter all of these keywords into the Tags module of your lens. You should be entering somewhere to the tune of 20-30 or more. Your lens how now been synced for success!

1 Part Title Content: Squidoo wants you to, especially with the Lens Intro Title, keep your titles and sub-titles relevant to the page content. This can be tricky as Squidoo's review system finicky in this department so you have to experiment until you find one that satisfies their filters.

2 Parts Modular Content: Squidoo wants 8 modules or more which can be a ratio of approx. 4/8 text modules, 1/8 video modules, 1/8 feedback modules, and the rest can be those amazon recommendation modules.

Alternatively you can turn video modules into text modules just by adding contextual to it as well. The whole purpose is to get people to give your lens the coveted 5 star rating.

Make each module keyword-rich and NON-SPAMMY. IMPORTANT: Add value with the content, don't sound like you're selling anything (I know that goes against everything we represent, but you have to play by the rules on their platform). Your lens should come across as informing or recommending.

1 Part Outward-Bound Links:
Now some people do this differently, so you can experiment and see what works best. You can link to your money site either of three(3) ways with each having a trade-off:

1. Aggressively - right at the beginning of the lens (to insure they will see your link). Example: For more information on blah-blah-blah see "hyperlinked text back to your site".

Pro:Guarantee they will see your link
Con:Squidoo's reviewers don't always like this

2. Non-aggressively - you can place your link at the very end of your module. Since Squidoo lenses are human reviewed, I'm sure they appreciate this method much more than the above..however there is a chance that the reader may not read all the way down to your link. It's your call.

Pro: Squidoo's reviewers appreciate this more subtle approach.
Con: Your reader may never reach your outward-bound link.

3. Passively - you can do this by linking to a youtube video in your video module that contains your site link in the youtube description.

Pro: You go completely under the radar this way.
Con: The reader has a very small chance of ever finding your link unless they clickthrough to the video. Therefore if you choose this method, do all that is possible to highlight the video in your lens and make the video sensational.

2 Parts Images: Squidoo encourages the use of images. Not only that the image should be tagged. So the image should be named after your primary keyword such as acai-berry-image1.jpg. Also I go the extra step and right-click on my jpegs then add tags to the image file itself.

There are two ways to add images. Upload them within the module and use html to display images hosted on a web-server, photobucket or flickr account. Do both. You will be rewarded.

Make sure the images are incorporated very well into the text. The lens should look aesthetically pleasing. When is the last time you read through an ugly lens?

2 Parts Follow-Up Work: What did the mountain climber say to the Billy Goat at the top? Nothing, he didn't get there yet.

You're not done yet. You need to send your lens out to everyone you know and have them give it an honest rating. Don't participate in any ratings exchanges, Squidoo is super-smart and on to these types of schemes. They'll lock the lens in a milli-second and then all that hard work goes down the drain.

Now while that's happening you've got to track your lens ranking on Squidoo which will appear in the upper left-hand corner as something like Ranked #825 in People, #15,724 overall. This should continue to improve. If it's not then lets run a Health-Check from your Dashboard. Squidoo is going to let you know how well your lens was developed in every category I mentioned. Make the necessary changes, and then rinse-wash-and repeat the process.

Remember, Squidoo also wants you to build backlinks to your lens. My previous post explained that pretty well, but also you should be pointing your articles to your Squidoo lens.

1 Parts Updates: Here's the thing. Just as it does with a blog, Squidoo is a form of micro-blogging and daily updates keep the content fresh. Well, I would say you can do as little as removing and adding a period to satisfy the "freshness filter", but in-between you should make real updates to your modules and even add fresh new modules.

Place these ingredients in a large pot and cook on medium-heat until smoothly blended. Allow contents to simmer then taste. Add spice as needed.

With this approach you're going to have a lower-quantity of higher-quality lenses that will actually perform the way you intended.

If this helps anyone out just let me know. I'll be sure to bring more good stuff to the best board on earth.
Hey, thanks for the guide to squidoo lens. Would be smart use SEnuke to build backlinks to the squidoo lens and point the squidoo lens to the money page?
Typically I would say yes, but that depends on how many backlinks you're trying to build at once. Just to be safe I would build 10-20 real, organic white hat links initially (Squidoo wants 10 or more) and then afterward if you feel safe you can proceed to do so.
Awesome tips mate. I have been looking for a way to boost my squidoo search engine rankings without any success. I have lenses that are over a year old that have never had any traffic every since i published them. I was wondering if you have any other extra tricks that i could use to get higher on the searps?
Love your guide bhatsuccess!!

Is there a certain kind of keyword that squidoo ranks well with?
I've read that Squidoo was once a favorite of big-G, but not so much anymore. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

PS- Great guide. You could sell this info on DP to people who would never bother to use it.