Buying views for Youtube videos - What are the risks ?


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2013
Reaction score

can u please tell me what are the risks of buying views for youtube videos. I know that youtube will delete your video if they detect you, but do they also ban whole channels for buying views ?

Thank you very much :)
Is it safe to buy views on not monetized channel?
I have a new channel without monetization and I need to pump it, so I could add this channel to monetization partner program. Now I have on this channel 4 videos, 100 suscribers and 900 views.
It's safe but it depends on how the provider sends your views.
With QQtube the last days I've spent is nothing safe really! Got like 50 accounts banned. I did spam true that. But hey they resisted only like 3 day's when 3 months ago I could keep spam vids up to 1 week on.