Marketplace Thread Approved

This service has been tested by the marketplace moderation team to ensure that it meets the standards for the marketplace. Please do your own due diligence in looking into the seller and seeing if this service is what you are looking for.

Service Information
  • The service was delivered in a reasonable time.
  • The reviews looked mostly real.
Thread Edit Log
  • The 5 most recent thread edits will appear here
With anything more than 5 going in here
Information For Buyers:
  • Service Quality: The quality of the product or service that I receive is what you should expect, or better. If you feel that the quality of the service has dropped significantly, please let us know via the report button.
  • Disputes: If you do not receive a product or service as advertised, or at all in the event of a dispute, do not be afraid of a "no refunds" refund policy as you are allowed to request a refund through the shit list process. For more information and to see whether or not your dispute qualifies, refer to the shit list rules and procedures.
  • Review Copies: Per the marketplace rules, if a seller does not offer trials or review copies, please do not request them in the sales thread, otherwise your post will be removed and further action may be taken.
Marketplace Thread Approved

This service has been tested by the marketplace moderation team to ensure that it meets the standards for the marketplace. Please do your own due diligence in looking into the seller and seeing if this service is what you are looking for.

Service Information
  • The service was delivered in a reasonable time.
  • The reviews looked mostly real.
Thread Edit Log
  • The 5 most recent thread edits will appear here
With anything more than 5 going in here
Information For Buyers:
  • Service Quality: The quality of the product or service that I receive is what you should expect, or better. If you feel that the quality of the service has dropped significantly, please let us know via the report button.
  • Disputes: If you do not receive a product or service as advertised, or at all in the event of a dispute, do not be afraid of a "no refunds" refund policy as you are allowed to request a refund through the shit list process. For more information and to see whether or not your dispute qualifies, refer to the shit list rules and procedures.
  • Review Copies: Per the marketplace rules, if a seller does not offer trials or review copies, please do not request them in the sales thread, otherwise your post will be removed and further action may be taken.
Thanks For Approve My Thread.
Most these services reviews will not stick 90-180 days and google catches it and removes them, what is your policy on this?
These G-Reviews are Stick and is will not be removes
Hey I want reviews for my websites can i get any copy reviews
Come Inbox For Copy Reviews.
Hi there,
Any discount & reviews?
Please check Inbox For Discount.
What exactly does "mostly real" mean?
Yes, These Persons are Real.
Please check Inbox.
Email : [email protected]

Skype: "Getseoranking"