Building Web 2.0 with Wordai can hurt you money site?


Power Member
Apr 4, 2014
Reaction score

I am building web 2.0 (tier1) using wordai, I just generate the article and spin it and post it on different web 2.0 site, So my question is it bad idea to to do or any of you doing this and what response you are getting ?


There's no problem using Wordai on any tiers...
Yes, it's a bad idea. If your site is important to you, use quality content for your first tier. Unless it's a churn & burn website.
use wordai on tier 2..

For Tier 1 (if you have some budget) Go for $3-$5 per Article/Content for max results.
You can use spun content on W2 properties, the problem is that often you shit will get deleted so to overcome there are a view ways, you can manually spin 5 articles ranging from 250 to 750 words and use them on your W2 accounts.

The second is if you're not afraid of the duplicate content myth is making use of content curation and that can go like this: you get three (or more) articles that say basically the same thing (have someone write that for you) and what you do is you ad two pieces of content with your opinion on that article and you manually spin that so that is readable (and wont get your shit deleted) and then you ad the complete articles in the spin so the syntax looks a bit like this

First paragraph (you spun 100/150 word piece)


Second paragraph (you spun 100/150 word piece with your link)

Yes you have dup content and if you beliefe in that myth then this is not the way, but this method (that also works perfectly in GSA) gives you a better link retention (you links will be online for much longer as W2 mods don't delete your shit) i don't use this for W2 but for GSA and the link stickiness is remarkable

The last method i use is content translations( this is tedious work and you need to know a second language my advice is to outsource it) translate content from from sites outside the US/UK and use that.

Google has no idea that you use translated text, they would have to translate their whole database in all different languages in order to figure out if the content is scraped/translated. I use this technique especially for project descriptions and (cus i do a lot of ticket sites) artist and band bio/disco/videography.

Good luck mate.
You can use spun content on W2 properties, the problem is that often you shit will get deleted so to overcome there are a view ways, you can manually spin 5 articles ranging from 250 to 750 words and use them on your W2 accounts.

The second is if you're not afraid of the duplicate content myth is making use of content curation and that can go like this: you get three (or more) articles that say basically the same thing (have someone write that for you) and what you do is you ad two pieces of content with your opinion on that article and you manually spin that so that is readable (and wont get your shit deleted) and then you ad the complete articles in the spin so the syntax looks a bit like this

First paragraph (you spun 100/150 word piece)


Second paragraph (you spun 100/150 word piece with your link)

Yes you have dup content and if you beliefe in that myth then this is not the way, but this method (that also works perfectly in GSA) gives you a better link retention (you links will be online for much longer as W2 mods don't delete your shit) i don't use this for W2 but for GSA and the link stickiness is remarkable

The last method i use is content translations( this is tedious work and you need to know a second language my advice is to outsource it) translate content from from sites outside the US/UK and use that.

Google has no idea that you use translated text, they would have to translate their whole database in all different languages in order to figure out if the content is scraped/translated. I use this technique especially for project descriptions and (cus i do a lot of ticket sites) artist and band bio/disco/videography.

Good luck mate.

Awesome advise :) thanks