Building backlinks to a website with two similar KW pages


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2015
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Let's say on my website I have a silo/page 'Solar Panels' (just an example). On this page I talk about solar panels, discuss its advantages and disadvantages, basically just get some relevant content in that Google likes. This page then links to a page that contains some Amazon affiliate, say 'Best Solar Panels 2016'. The second page is ultimately where I want visitors to end up.

Now the keywords with high search volume is 'solar panel' and 'Green Inc. Solar Panel' (a solar panel that is mentioned in page Best Solar Panels 2016). How should I go about building backlinks? Both of the pages on my website are about solar panels, just one is information about them and the other contains reviews for actual products. If I link to both pages using KW solar panel, I assume some keyword cannibalization would become an issue.

Any suggestions on how I should build backlinks on my website? Or is this an on-page SEO disaster and would I be better off combining the two into one very long page?
Build on any of the two. The description page might move faster to the top while the affiliate page would result in better conversion. So, make your plans and decide which one to go with. And use the description page as a landing page and link out from that page to your affiliate page. It would both pass juice as well as result in diversion of traffic.
Hi Dude!
Your question is very complicated.
But I think that you have to create a long page by combining two pages for better results.
In the end I combined the two pages into one. Reduced the amount of text to a tolerable level. I think this will make the task of linkbuilding easier and reduce any confusion between the two pages for search algorithms.
In the end I combined the two pages into one. Reduced the amount of text to a tolerable level. I think this will make the task of linkbuilding easier and reduce any confusion between the two pages for search algorithms.
It should work if my experience and assumption is true.