buffer sites blasted with scrapebox now they ranked higher than money site!


Power Member
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
anyone experienced this before?

i've been creating aa lists with scrapebox and linking to a list of buffer sites from my last link building period. Now some of these sites are ranked higher than my money site!

some of these links could have a few thousand scrapebox links now as i've been virtually blasting for nearly a week to gather low obl aa lists
What web 2.0 sites are you finding are ranking well with just SB blasts?

This really isn't a problem. You are getting links from sites that are an authority for your keyword according to Google. You can either monetize some of those web 2.0s if they are getting traffic or just stop blasting them and build more if you don't like that they are ranking.
Are you using the same anchor text as the anchor text pointing at your site? If so use different anchor text that is closely related that you don't want to rank for.
im using random names as anchor text in these sb blasts as the main purpose of them was to just get an aa list
What web 2.0 sites are you finding are ranking well with just SB blasts?

This really isn't a problem. You are getting links from sites that are an authority for your keyword according to Google. You can either monetize some of those web 2.0s if they are getting traffic or just stop blasting them and build more if you don't like that they are ranking.

its a wikispaces page i made.

i'm still blasting them at the moment as my current link building round is still ongoing. as soon as its finished i will start blasting the new buffers
This happened to me once. But I stoped blasting that web 2.0 and now my money site is ranking #1 and the web 2.0 is still on the first page. It's a win-win situation mate. :D
Usually over time your main site takes higher rankings.

It's just a temporary thing, that web 2.0 property is ranking higher than you main site.

This is a great way to dominate the SERPs for a whole page. I do it
frequently myself for some of the less competitive keywords.

That way I don't only have 1 listing on the first page, rather I have like
5 or 6. It makes it much easier to assure that I've get as many click throughs
from the SERPs as possible :)
Lol yea why are complaining?

Eventually it will correct when google finds all the web 2.0s points to your money site
Other than the buffer sites that act as backlinks to your money sites, do your mainsite have other backlinks as well? Maybe because your buffer site has way more backlinks then your main site. Can someone clarify this?
Yup over time your site will leapfrog the other web 2.0's. From Google's point of view if a site that ranks first page for a keyword and then links to another site with THAT keyword it is a huge sign of relevance and quality. It's good news for you that's for sure!
Anyone recommend using keywords as anchor text when blasting buffer sites or should i just leave it as random names? Ive heard using the same anchor text can get u into trouble. Theres not many relevant spins of my keyword as its 7 words long!

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why did u have ur money keyword in the titles of ur buffer sites stupid??
Google can be an ass sometimes. A few of the keywords I monitored have sites with mainly scrapebox backlinks in top positions in the recent updates
why did u have ur money keyword in the titles of ur buffer sites stupid??

Neo as i stated my keyword is long string and theres only so many ways it can be rewritten.

Anyway, i'll accept stupid if i dont get the site ranked within top 10 within a month of registration ;-)

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This is a simple mistake, if you used same keyword of money site. As a best practice, I use a high competitive related keyword to blast web 2.0 and articles. This method worked well for me.
Just checked google. Ranked buffer sites hae titles like * * when is it really necessary. 'the true costs involved in * *' and 'how to prepare for * * replacement.'

All the *'s are words from my keyword phrase. I really dont know how i could have changed them anymore from the original phrase im trying to rank for!

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