Broken links on Wordpress Site


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
So I sold a small website of mine, pushed the domain, imported the SQL database and all.

Basically, the website is set up for him. Now, for some reason, the links to the articles that I have on the widget are dead. It's weird, because I check under "posts", and all the posts are there. But when you click on the link to go them, they are dead pages (404 error I think).

Any ideas?

If it sounds confusing, shoot me a PM and I'll show you the site.
when did he changed the name servers of the domain ? if its less then 24-48 hours then my guess is that the DNS of the domain is still resolving to the new NS , if that is indeed the case - give it a bit more time and it will be fine
aba84 is right but sometimes I resolved like this by setting up the Permalinks again.
this is a good website to check whats going with the DNS and to see if its still indeed resolving - just google - whatsmydns
This was a permalink issue, check that and also wait upto 72 hrs for DNS resolved, also try to clear the cache through W3 Total Cache.
Thanks everyone. Looks like it was just a problem with Hostgator. It's working now.
check ur permalink settings also check if you use any dead link related plugins.