Breaking Barriers - Breaking into the realm of the rich - $100 a day


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Apr 21, 2010
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The plan is simple, build a site and put up content then send it to GSA SER for link building. It takes about a month or so for it to start moving up the SERPs so I figured why spend so much time waiting for it? Get out there and build more sites.

Amazon/CJ Empire

The Means to Do IT!

I would be building up a site or a subcategory on one of my existing site around a particular keyword which I will order from Ardley's service. He offers around 1 main keyword with 99 other LSIs to go along with it and so far am seeing keywords in the 15-25 region of the competition analysis module of Moz as well as Keyword Revealer. So that's about a 100 keywords/products.

So that's about a hundred articles per week for each LSI and their LTs. Sounds impossible? Well I came up with this plan.
I'll use Word AI to spin an article/review for each of the pages however, I would be tracking each LSI and once that keyword hits the first page, I'll change the content into a money site worth content. I figured, why spend until you really need to right?

Aside from that, I won't be altering the site design until it I get more than 50 UVs per day for a site.

Link Building
Given the competition for this keywords, I guess some simple Web 2.0s backed with tiers of GSA SER would be enough to proper these web properties on the first page. Once it hits the first page, I'll be pointing some more powerful links from some service providers out here as well as from my own PBN.

PPD Niches

The Means to Do IT!
I'll also be building some PPD sites once in a while if I found some keywords I know that would give me a positive ROI once I have it ranked. I would only be targeting keywords with more than 5,000 searches and moz competition of a maximum of 25. Anymore than that and I would be spending more money than I would want to. I currently have 3 keywords up my sleeve.

Link Building
What I've found out is that, Google does not seem to apply its algorithm in these kinds of keywords. I see websites ranking with pure GSA SPAM. I guess I would be heading down that route also then.

Current Projects

Mozambique - CJ Site

This is in the Travel Niche in Local Listings. This is the whitest of the current sites that I'm building and thus I'm more careful with what I do with this site since I have big plans for this. Content is written by me and not spun, they are however not of the greatest quality since there's no need for quality now. I'll change content once it ranks in the top 5 of the organic searches.

Current Rankings for the Main Keywords:

Current Standings for all the keywords:

Engineer - PPD Niche

Quite surprised really that this does not have that much competition YET! Keyword competition is about 13% according to MOZ with around 20,000 monthly searches for the main keyword. Built a quick one pager with about 4,000 words manually written by me which are targeting about 34 keywords in total bringing my total monthly searches to 90,000 per month.

So I built a site around these keywords and have just finished it a few days back. Started sending some links to it and am now able to see some improvements in the rankings. Would be buying some links soon and that should give this enough push.


There's 13 keywords starting to show up in the top 300. Which is nothing really in the grand scale of things but at least I know I'm getting improvements.
Mozart - Amazon Site
Ordered keywords from Ardley for this site and things are looking positive for this one based on the keywords I see. Site not yet finished, I have about 75+ spun articles more to post. Would talk about it soon enough once I finish setting the site up.
You sir are organized and motivated. I Will be following this and I believe your chance of success to be much better than other journeys I have read

Either way good luck
Engineer - PPD Niche

Had some breakthrough keywords that appeared for a brief period in time in a very nice position. Considering that this website is only a few days old, I will say that this is a very good sign. Since this is in the PPD Niche, I'm just throwing SER links at it however I'm having trouble indexing links. Like, I'm down to 10% index rate or less. I can't really spend anything more for a new indexing service so I guess I just have to counter it by throwing in more links. First time ever hitting 200LPM for hours and it just feels good to know that I'm getting the hang of SER.

I ordered a 50,000 blast which will start later to augment my sucky indexing.


Right after making this post, I tried checking for my current standing and look at what I've found.


I just hope it doesn't tank soon so that I could earn some much needed money from this website.

Mozambique - Commission Junction Site

I promised that I'll discuss more about this site. Well firstly, it is in the travel niche with a tourist destination that I know a lot about and where I know some people out in that city. In fact, my family has a share in one of the local hotels down there so I'd be semi-promoting that business while still milking commissions from other local establishment. I started this website last January 20, 2015 and have since then added about 14 article and built some backlinks to it.

Link Building
I guess I'm taking the cookie cutter road of building Web 2.0s using FCS Networker for my first tier then spamming those buffer sites with pure GSA SPAM. I don't really care that much yet about this domain because I plan to migrate to a new TLD with the local extension. That however would cost me 77$ alone and I cannot justify that cost in this stage.

Web 2.0s would target brand keywords as well as LSI keywords while Semi PBN links from would contain my exact anchors. A note about LinkAuthority, I've been searching for the websites where my articles had been posted to and it really is a hit or miss. Some websites are powerful and the kind of websites I want my links to be placed on while some are really abysmal. Yes they are PR 3-5 but in terms of link power. They wouldn't offer that much. But for the price, I guess I cannot really complain about it. I'm just ticked that they say they filter out based on a series of metrics and not PR alone. I'd be asking them if pointing a tier 2 to individual posts would be allowed but I think that they would say no.

Aside from that, I'm also building Tier 1 directly using GSA SER with the strictest filters I can muster plus the content are all manually spun content. I'm not planning to build a whole lot of them, just enough to diversify my profile anchors. I've been getting PR 4-6 contextuals with some good Domain Authority (Ahrefs) of 60+ so I know my filters are working.

Services: is Back! Powerful, Protected, High Quality Link Network! V.2.0
Ultimate Web 2.0 & Social Link Building Tool! Cutting Edge Web Interface + Software!


I'm getting good movement. I have a deadline of at least having the main keyword with 9900 be at top 10 by the end of march. But what I'm interested in is the second keyword which is destination+hotels. Search volume fluctuates around 2000-9000 depending on the time of the year. Current difficulty is 35 according to KeywordRevealer.



Mozart - Amazon Site
I'm having trouble to figure out how to monetize this niche because some of the products are not on Amazon. The manufacturer of the product which is ranking for most of the keywords does not offer affiliates, there are however some retailers which does but I guess this is a niche where if given the choice to pick between the manufacturer which would be more expensive or the retailer which is discounter, I would pick the manufacturer any time of the day. This is just a hunch though so I guess I'll just have to find out how everything would turn out.

Ardley gave me about 1 main keyword and 99 LSI ranging from 500 keyword searches to 3000 keyword searches a month. Checked some of them for competition and was really astonished by the competition of some of these keywords. Here's a sample of the keyword.


2900 Searches, $2600 per piece.

The great thing about my current set of keywords is that it is expandable, I mean I have a lot of horizontal niches which I can add to this site. And thus, in the long run, I would have this as a somewhat authority site.

Do checkout his sale page. █████100% Stupidly Easy Keywords from $7 █████ 100+ 5★ Reviews‼█████ Easiest on BHW █████
Yes. I totally endorse him.

Was able to post around 25 articles today, 50 more and I'll start building some backlinks to the website. I have about till Friday to complete this.
Last edited:
Here's what I've done for the past week.

GSA Problems

My GSA SER has been acting up for the past week! It's been at 1.8GB of Ram Usage even when IDLE thus I'm force to lower my threads further affecting my LPM and VPM. I guess, I can't live forever in the 200LPM land. Besides, I can do 200 but can't index any of the contextuals so it's kinda useless. Need to change my strategy a little bit.

Edit: I think I've found where my problem lies, I think I have too many accounts per project. Going to delete all accounts and edit some settings, hopefully that would improve things.

BenPaolo builds his own PBN

Another thing is I'm going to start building a small PBN network. I discovered a way to find some high quality deleted domains with backlinks from Wikipedia and stuff. Going to start sifting through all the domains and hopefully found something useful. My Criteria would be the following:

DA & PA of >30
CF/TF Ratio of >0.75
Good backlink profile. (Aside from the usual checks, at least 2 should have a Ahrefs Domain Rank of more than 60)
Greater than 50 Referring Domains
Micro Niche

You might be wondering what's with Micro Niche? Well I have this rule where each property should pay it's own rent at least. Thus I'll be ordering keywords from Ardley and build a micro niche site with adsense as it's revenue base. Even if it only generates 30$ a month, that would be enough to sustain itself plus give me enough money to buy another domain.

I have a budget of around 300-400 USD for this project. This would be enough for 10-15 domains at least. Break down of expenses would be 9$ for the registration, 2$ for a month's hosting and 10$ for a custom niche keyword from ardley. Content will be spun and be replaced when it starts to rank.

Then I'll be using a VCC for the MOZ trial and some other services plus around 10$ for a month's usage of ProxyBandit. Proxies would be used for PR Checking.

Engineer - PPD Niche


It's still dancing pretty wildly. I'm going to give it about a week or so to stabilize and then start adding some SAPE links to the mix. I'm still thinking whether to buy it from Daniyal_h from another forum or do it myself. I really want to do it myself but I don't have a CC so I can't really pay for it in any way. Going to research further on ways I could top up my account.

All in all, each keyword has at least improved a little bit by 1-20 positions this week.


I guess it's really not the best week for this site. But as they say, it gets worse first before it gets better. I haven't really touch this website the last week aside from building new backlinks to the web 2.0s pointing to it.



Ranking purely with On Page SEO, these keywords are really easy! It just ranked yesterday after I edited the site layout into a more Siloed Website. It works I guess though I have a very little sample size. Added around 50 articles in total after combining some like terms in some articles.

Going to start up a FCS Networker campaign. Really excited with this website. Was also accepted to an affiliate program in Commission Junction. Not the best program yet but I'll take what I can.
Great to see you posting some hard SEO data. I wish you all the best on
your journey.
I just posted a review on my Personal Website for Illuminati Keywords! If you would like to take a look at it then please head on to my website here. Would be posting my current strategy in ranking with GSA SER soon. Hopefully, you guys would chime in on my strategy and help me optimize it.
Haven't built any website as I was short on funds and I was fixing things on my hosting since it went down. More on that later but first let's tackle the issues I was facing last week and how I solved them.

GSA SER Issues

Last week, I reported that SER's Ram Usage was off the charts with more than 1.8Gig during full throttle which makes it stop after a while due to threads not dropping. I'm happy to report that the problem is gone and my gsa ser setup has been soaring rapidly. By the rate of how things are going, I'll be hitting 300LPM in a matter of days as I feed more scraped list to my processing vps.


These were the changes that I did which I remember doing:
  1. Deleting unused accounts. (Relieved some pressure off the RAM Usage but still quite high than how I would have wanted it.)
  2. Using the scheduler function. I'm using 25 Projects per 30 Minutes for the rotation.
  3. Saving PRs with the Verifieds. This way, you won't need to get them when other projects build with that link.
  4. Reducing maximum size of a website to download to 1MB only.
  5. Ticking Get PR for Verified URLs.
  6. Segregating my Contextual Projects from the Junk Projects.
  7. Cleaning the Verified list.

There are some more optimization that I would like to do such as footprint and using macros for everything but I'm lacking in time since it is our shifting exams in the university.

Building a PBN

I ultimately want to build a PBN since I think it is one of the more effective ways of ranking. I've taken a great time into reading and understanding the necessities to build a great PBN and I have decided to postponed it. I do not currently have the budget to build the network into a meaningful size. Yes, I can find large amounts of domains (Found a way to bypass the sleuthing phase and into filtering the domains according to metrics right away.) but these are expired domains we're talking about so their power is diminished in some sorts (if my understanding is correct).

Thus I'm shifting my goal from spending to build a PBN into saving a thousand USD to build the network into something meaningful. I wouldn't want to spend my entire budget into building one right now and not have my money site ranking and earning money. That would be suicide for my ROI and motivation.

Backlinking Strategy

I have settled finally with a backlinking strategy for my future money sites. If there was 50 shades of gray with white and black as the opposite ends of the spectrum, it would fall right in the middle. I would be automating all my link building even the Tier 1 but would be filtering it according to metrics just like how clockhouse is doing it with his. However, there are still some issues or questions that I have with the total execution, thus I am building a case study for it. I'm just waiting for the parasite pages to index and then I'll start applying the backlinking strategy and see if the control or the variable would work better.

I'm actually writing a write up for the entire thing in my blog. It's not yet finished since as I said, school is keeping me busy. Would finish the write up for the strategy on saturday I guess and then start writing on the case study.

PPD Niches

I do have a separate strategy for my PPD niches which fits my current budget. I ask a friend (about two months ago) to let me experiment on one of his PPD site as a favor and unexpectedly gave me some start up funds to do so. He said, "Here's 50$, let's see what you can do with it."

The competition according to MOZ is 20, KeywordRevealer says its at 22 & KWFinder at 19. So this is a low competition niche. Medium competition according to MOZ would be 30 just for a reference.

And the strategy is quite simple really.
1. SAPE-esque links for the exact anchors.
2. Padded with GSA SER Contextuals for diversity.

The result:


And here are my findings about the whole fiasco:
  1. It took almost ONE MONTH (28 days) to stabilize the ranking.
  2. It only takes a handful of links to rank for this keyword competition. (20 SAPE-esque links for 50$ in total)
  3. When the links behind the contextual got to over a hundred thousand in total, there was some upward movement (January 19) followed by some google dance.

It might be that my links weren't just mature yet that's why it took a month to see the results. Or it was the surge of links that triggered the dance but from what I'm able to see. But findings are findings and data is data.

So this is how I'm going to build my future PPD sites. Paid SAPE-esque links padded with GSA Contextuals for diversity.
Damn that friend, if only that was my site I would be making some dough right now.


It took me almost 3 days to sort out errors with my hosting. They took my site down because some hacker bruteforced my website and got a hold of my hosting account's password. Then they proceeded to send spam using my account prompting my hosting to take action ultimately leading to a suspension. It's back to normal now and have reset the password as well as ask the staff to monitor my account for any suspicious activities.

It had however, affected the ranking of my money site. I mean I'm not sure if it's the cause but I do know that it is correlated since the rankings for all my money sites have gone down with the downtime. They are now recovering.

Engineer - PPD Niche

Hardest hit website during the down time. This is the stats for it, it actually improved over several days compared to the day I recovered my website where it only 2 keywords are ranking.


It's either dancing or have been hit by penalty right now, but I think it's just dancing. I am not taking chances however, thus I would be building a new site in concurrent with this one and rank that one with the backlinking strategy that I've outlined above for PPD Niches.

Mozambique - CJ Site


Gave the site some loving and it's now moving. I just started a GSA SER campaign for the site targeting all the pages but with different anchor text ratios, link velocity and link volume. For the Tier 1, I'm just using GSA SER to scrape for its own target and not use the global site list for the contextuals. I'd implement the above strategy once I got myself hold of scrapebox so that I could filter it based on metrics.

Main keywords are tracked using Serpbook, might move to serpwoo but it's quite expensive for what I need right now so I'd give it a hard thinking. The data it is giving though would really be helpful.

Mozart - CJ Site


Started link building to this money site also implementing the backlink strategy outlined above in the intro which is similar to how clockhouse is doing his plus some personal interpretation on the link structure. Starting to dance now. Remember how I said that this site is ranking based purely on WordAI spun content? Well now is the time to rewrite one of the content to a proper quality one since it is fast approaching the first page. (Do remember that my strategy right now is putting up filler content with lower quality then changing it to a high quality content once it starts to rank.)

Jack of All Trades - Multi-Niche PPD Site

I had a multi-game PPD site sitting around doing nothing so I made an effort reviving it by targeting low competition ppd games with more than 1,000 searches per month. When I mean low competition, I mean those with less than 25% in moz competition. Those with greater than 5000 searches, I'll be building into its own site.

So this weekend, what I did was to scrape the internet for games. Plugged them into Google Keyword Planner, multiplied them using the in built tool adding the word cheats and hack to the game and then filtered them according to searches. Got those with more than 1000 searches and then plugged them into Moz for competition analysis. It returned with 317 games with more than 1000 searches but with very low competition.

Quite surprised to find more than 20 games with more than 20,000 searches but low competition. Time to bank baby! So that's 20 websites to be built by me within the following weeks.

Took action and posted about 20 games this weekend. Going to build a GSA SER campaign for each of them in the following days. I'm just using a very generic game hack article that was manually spun by BXUHUB (Service linked here).


Out of the 20, 12 are now ranking on google without backlinks to individual pages.

And this will be my work ethic from now on, target numerous low competition keywords instead of just a single but very hard competition.


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