Brazil BLACKHAT Google Ads accounts Mafia? - They are doing it in massive way.


Registered Member
Sep 8, 2015
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Now days, Im spying ads on Google Ads.

whenever i click to see the advertiser info... 7/10 comes from brazil country.

I know those are not real names as they are created through random names.

Any leads?

I’ve been seeing these Brazil advertisers since over a year now. They are at such a massive scale I don’t know if they run threshold, grants or invoicing accs….
especially on affiliate offers lol
i’ve seen this too recently, I suspect theres a threshold loophole in that particular country and/or they’re really easy to advertiser verify. Probs the former
Wait untill you see Romanian Google ads mob :D Thos bad bois are peresent on every Pay-Per-Call offer
i’ve seen this too recently, I suspect theres a threshold loophole in that particular country and/or they’re really easy to advertiser verify. Probs the former
I tried that, but didnt worked. however they are constantly staying for days.. im sure that with threshold their ad cant be survived in massive spending for days.
Wait untill you see Romanian Google ads mob :D Thos bad bois are peresent on every Pay-Per-Call offer
woah.. any examples?? can you dm me about those paypercall and romanian google ads?

especially on affiliate offers lol
Yes.. specially on most of the affiliate offers.
Yeah its on Massive Scale these are most probably grants accounts
I believe that so, because these names are listed on some database websites.. registered as companies.
I believe that so, because these names are listed on some database websites.. registered as companies.
I don't think they are ad grants since usually ad grant account have a maximum cpc that u can bid on and it's 2$ plus normally I see most of the ad grant ads ranking below my ads so I think those are anything besides ad grant, or as someone said there is a loop there that god knows what it is.
I don't think they are ad grants since usually ad grant account have a maximum cpc that u can bid on and it's 2$ plus normally I see most of the ad grant ads ranking below my ads so I think those are anything besides ad grant, or as someone said there is a loop there that god knows what it is.
right. They are 100% not grants.